Boris Johnson has issued a new warning about COVID to supermarket shoppers.
The Prime Minister said shoppers must only touch what they buy and wipe down goods once at home.
Boris warned that COVID-19 can easily be spread at supermarkets and shoppers must practice extra caution.
This is the first time the PM has advised shoppers to avoid unnecessary touching of products in shops.

Boris Johnson reminded shoppers to be vigilant over COVID
Shoppers are already advised to maintain a two-metre social distance rule from other customers.
And to wear face masks at all times – bar those that are exempt.
Read more: Laurence Fox sparks outrage with latest move against face masks
Speaking at a government press conference on Friday (January 15), Boris issued the new warning.
He said: “This disease can be passed on not just by standing too near to someone in a supermarket queue, but also by handling something touched by an infected person.

Always wash your hands after shopping
“And remember one in three have no symptoms. Washing your hands now is as important as it has ever been.”
Read more: Paddy Doherty in hospital with COVID and double pneumonia
This backs up guidelines which includes: “When you are buying loose foods such as fruit, vegetables or bread in a bakery, try and only touch what you are going to buy.”
This disease can be passed on not just by standing too near to someone in a supermarket queue, but also by handling something touched by an infected person.
Boris also confirmed that a further 1,280 people had died from COVID – taking the UK death total to 87,291.
Meanwhile 55,761 cases were confirmed on Friday, up from 48,682 on Thursday.

Complacency will be ‘fatal’
Despite coronavirus raging across the nation, Boris said there is hope on the horizon.
Over three million have now received the first dose of the COVID vaccine.
But he still warned against the public becoming complacent amid the third lockdown.
Boris explained: “It will be fatal if this sense of progress were now to breed any kind of complacency because the pressures on the NHS are extraordinary.
“On Tuesday we saw 4,134 new admissions to hospital on a single day – the highest at any point in this pandemic.”
He continued: “There are now more than 37,000 COVID patients in hospitals across the UK and in spite of all the efforts of our doctors and nurses and our medical staff we are now seeing cancer treatments sadly postponed, ambulances queuing and intensive care units spilling over into adjacent wards.
“This is not the time for the slightest relaxation of our national resolve and our individual efforts. So please stay at home, please protect the NHS and save lives.”
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