delivery slots

Brits furious that supermarkets are ‘forcing at-risk people outside’ due to lack of delivery slots

Coronavirus lockdown massively affecting deliveries

Brits have slammed supermarkets for “forcing” those most at risk during the coronavirus crisis to go outside due to a lack of food delivery slots.

Boris Johnson announced strict new lockdown measures earlier this week.

They only allow Brits to go outside to buy essential food and medicines, for an hour of daily exercise and to travel to and from work if entirely necessary.

Supermarkets have been slammed for a lack of delivery slots (Credit: Cover Images)

However, those in the most at risk groups have been told to stay at home for 12 weeks.

But with a lack of food delivery slots, this is becoming harder and harder.

Read more: Shameless Brits steal food deliveries for the vulnerable from their doorsteps

One person posted on Twitter: “All the supermarket apps have traffic restricted and delivery slots booked out for weeks in advance.”

They added: “This is forcing at risk groups to go outside and visit local stores, fearing contact with the virus.”

“No supermarket has slots”

Another said: “Been told to stay in for 12 weeks but no supermarket has any slots for home delivery. What do I do? Running out of loads of stuff?”

delivery slots
Morrisons is just one of the stores operating a queuing system to get onto the website (Credit: Morrisons)

“Been trying several times a day for a week to book delivery slot with Waitrose or Tesco. No luck,” said another.

Read more: M&S closes 31 stores due to coronavirus lockdown – find out if your store is affected here 

“Father 92 and father-in-law 95 and both live on their own far away. Impossible to get supermarket delivery for them,” another commented.

“Too scared to go out”

Another added: “Both me and my mum are in isolation for 12 weeks after being identified as at risk. We can’t get a delivery slot with any supermarket.”

They added: “We have limited family help as my brother who lives with us. But he is too scared to go shopping in case he brings the virus home.”

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Ocado shoppers are also struggling to get online (Credit: Pexels)

Others said they were having issues getting on the supermarkets’ list of those in the at risk category.

“We have a disabled son who is a very fussy eater. I am worried as I can’t seem to get any delivery slots with any major supermarket,” said one.

This is forcing at risk groups to go outside and visit local stores, fearing contact with the virus.

“I have also spent two whole days (pretty much every five minutes) calling the customer care numbers to see if we qualify to get onto the vulnerable list,” they added.

So how can you get essential food during the crisis?

Many have suggested calling local farm shops to ask if they deliver and found that they do and that prices are reasonable.

M&S has just announced it has teamed up with Deliveroo to deliver essential food supplies.

It has said deliveries can take just 30 minutes in some cases.

Online reports suggest that Asda’s next delivery slot is April 14.

Tesco is full for the next few weeks.

Co-op delivers but all slots are sold out and it suggests checking back regularly.

The elderly are being forced to risk their health by going out to the supermarket (Credit: Pexels)

Ocado shoppers have been faced with a wait to get onto the website, as have Morrisons customers.

Iceland is limiting online orders to customers over the state pension age, self-isolating and vulnerable people like the disabled.

Sainsbury’s has prioritised delivery slots for elderly, disabled and vulnerable customers, however, there is currently no slot available for the next few weeks.

The store says to keep checking and call 0800 328 1700 to be put onto the list of prioritised customers if you feel you fall into the vulnerable category.

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Nancy Brown
Acting Editor