
Get ready to celebrate National Steak Day on April 25

Meat lovers can enjoy discounted steaks in restaurants nationwide

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If you love nothing more than a great big juicy steak, grab your diary, pencil in April 25 and get ready to celebrate National Steak Day.

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National Steak Day sees steak restaurants up and down the country join forces to offer customers at least one steak on the menu with 25% off or a special menu to mark the occasison.

To partake, all restaurants need to do is sign up at The National Steak Day website – and all we need to do is get down to our nearest participating eatery and enjoy a nice juicy cut of meat.

The website is up all year showcasing the menus of all restaurants taking part so it’s a great way to choose your next date night dinner if you and your significant other are steak fans.

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The best part is restaurants are encouraged to run their offers all through the month of April meaning you can take advantage of special offers more than once and try out different restaurants.

Last year, over 150 restaurants took part in National Steak Day and this year organisers are aiming to get 800 involved – so, plenty of options for all of the meat lovers out there.

We know there are incredible steak restaurants across the UK.

“We had a fantastic number of restaurants who signed up last year,” says founder Nathan Evans.

“This year we are looking to expand our reach more outside of London.

“We know there are incredible steak restaurants across the UK and we want them to sign up so we can promote the fantastic work they are doing.”

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Excitement is already building over on the National Steak Day Instagram page with comments including, “Now that is some serious meat”, “OMG yes please” and plenty of heart eye emojis.

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We’re more than partial to a steak and chips dinner washed down with a glass of red so National Steak Day sounds right up our street.

However, it’s probably best you don’t share the news with any of your vegetarian or vegan mates.

Will you be tucking into a steak on April 25? Visit our Facebook Page @EntertainmentDailyFix and let us know what you think of this story.