christmas presents

Guilt-free ways to offload unwanted Christmas presents

One man's trash is another man's treasure, after all…

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By now you’ll have doubtless unwrapped your Christmas presents and, while some will be entirely welcome, if you’re anything like us you’ll soon be thinking about regifting.

Yes, we’ve all been there.

Your nearest and dearest hand you a present, you excitedly rip off the paper and then have to hide your extreme disappointment when it’s most definitely not something on your Christmas list.

So just how can you offload unwanted gifts and feel no guilt?

Well, simply follow our handy regifting guide!

person giving a christmas present
‘Tis the season of goodwill but not all presents will be wanted (Credit: Shutterstock)

How do I regift Christmas presents without guilt?

With millions of Brits spending a lot of the past year on furlough, money is tight this Christmas.

Many won’t have had the Christmas they wanted. And, as the only saying goes, one man’s trash is another man’s treasure.

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Reach out to friends and family.

If you’ve got a tub of Quality Street too many or two cosy scarves, make someone’s day with an unexpected pressie.

Food banks too will welcome any leftover non-perishable food after what has been a tough year for donations.

wrapped christmas presents
Lots of charities will gladly take in your unwanted gifts (Credit: Pexels)

Help your local charity

No one can complain about regifting when it’s going to charity.

They are crying out for donations after many found their income streams and donations cut.

See if your local charity shops are taking donations and, if they’re not, you could always try and sell your unwanted items on online auction sites.

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Any money you make from them could then be donated to your favourite charity.

If money will be tight for you this coming year and you’ve been given a gift that’s of no use to you, keep it in its box and put it to one side.

When a friend’s birthday approaches, simply wrap it in some non-festive paper and see their faces light up as you hand it over.

The rules of regifting

There are some golden rules of regifting, though.

The gift needs to make sense – don’t hand some saucy undies to your granny!

Remember to take off the gift tag and, if you’re not giving it for Christmas, re-wrap the present in appropriate paper.

Sometimes you get something that might be lovely but you’re never going to use it.

Don’t re-gift the more meaningful presents you’ve received. Someone has put a lot of thought into the gift and you’ll be off their Christmas card list in 2021 if they ever find out!

Beware of re-gifting in the same friendship circles.

As anyone will know, most women talk – and shopping is often a topic of conversation among our friends, anyway.

Imagine Kate telling Erica she’s bought Sally a red and white striped jumper from Zara – only for Erica to receive it from Sally for her January birthday!

woman wrapping presents
Brits should follow the regifting golden rules, though (Credit: Pexels)

What do the experts say about regifting Christmas presents?

Broadcaster Daisy Andrews appeared on This Morning to talk about regifting.

She said she does it as an “add on” to her Christmas presents.

“Sometimes you get something that might be lovely but you’re never going to use it.

“So if I was just to put it in my bathroom it would just gather dust and it’s a waste of their money.

“So I can gift it and give it to someone who’ll like it,” she said.


Head to our Facebook page @EntertainmentDailyFix and tell us if you’ll be regifting this year. 

Nancy Brown
Acting Editor

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