A thief poses next to a milk carton

Brits massively divided as ‘co-worker padlocks milk in office kitchen’

There's a cost-of-living crisis after all...

There’s nothing worse than getting your milk or lunch stolen out of the office kitchen – but would you go as far putting padlocks on your milk?

Well, one Brit on Reddit started a massive debate as they shared a photo of a padlocked milk in an office kitchen. They captioned the post: “Peak pettiness or justifiable security in the office kitchen?” as they shared an image of a milk with a padlock on it.

Many people thought the padlocker was entirely justified, while others argued that they were going too far.

A hand holds up a small carton of milk
A Reddit user caused a big debate over padlocked milk (Credit: Pexels)

‘I totally understand’: Brits in big debate over milk padlocks

The image of the padlocked milk started a big debate, but plenty of people came to the defence of the milk-defender. One person admitted: “As someone who used to buy two pints of milk every week, only for it to be completely empty by Wednesday morning, I totally understand the rationale. I vote not petty.” A second person added: “It’s not any more petty than using a locker to store your belongings, or locking up your bike. It’s not petty to stop people from stealing your stuff.”

Peak pettiness or justifiable security in the office kitchen?
by u/Vented55 in CasualUK

Another person argued: “I find kitchen politics to be so strange. It’s so straight forward and rules should be in place but we like to mock each other for expecting basic respect. Imagine having to go to these lengths?” A fourth person said: “Maybe if people weren’t thieving pieces of [bleep], we wouldn’t need to have the idea in the first place!”

Other people argued it wasn’t that serious. One person said: “Wow, petty. If it’s that bad just find a new job.” Someone else argued: “It’s kind of both at once. If people didn’t take what’s not theirs there would be no need. I wouldn’t go that far with milk but people lost food at the last place I worked.” A third person added: “Posts like this make me realise I’m lucky to have always worked at places where the milk for tea, coffee and lunch is provided. It’s never even crossed my mind it wouldn’t be.”

Co-workers speak in an office kitchen
Many people said their office kitchen also had a milk thief… (Credit: Pexels)

There’s apparently a whole product for this…

And if you’re concerned about your milk going missing, there is apparently a whole product to protect your milk from thieves. One person said they used an “udderlock” which is a lock specifically for locking up milk. Although the user said the thief outsmarted the special lock! They explained: “I bought an Udderlok for my milk at work and it worked fine for a few weeks, but then I think some thief took it as a challenge and pretty much ripped the carton apart to steal the milk.”

It’s not petty to stop people from stealing your stuff.

But it appears that some people feel the need to lock up their milk too, as one person asked: “Where can one purchase such a device? Asking for a friend…”

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