
Poundland launches festive pasty for £1 and trolls Greggs in ‘cheeky’ ad campaign

Cheaper than Greggs' version

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Poundland has launched a new festive pasty, which the bargain chain is selling for a very affordable £1.

The store has also trolled rival Greggs in its marketing campaign, by producing a promo video asking 20 men called Greg which pasty they preferred.

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The Poundland festive pasty is described as being filled with, “succulent chicken thigh with ham and cranberries in a velvety creamy sauce – flavoured with sage & parsley – and wrapped in a delicious flaky puff pastry.

“It really does taste like Christmas!”

Poundland also shared a video on its website asking 20 people with the name Greg whether they preferred the Poundland festive pasty of Greggs’ festive bake.

“Very cheeky!” wrote one of its followers.

I’m sorry but you can’t beat a Greggs’. Their festive [bakes] are amazing.

But not everyone agreed with Poundland, as one commenter said: “I’m sorry but you can’t beat a Greggs’. Their festive [bakes] are amazing.”

It’s battle of the bakes! (Credit: Greggs)

Greggs’ festive bake – which costs £1.55 – also combines pieces of chicken breast, sage and onion stuffing and bacon in a creamy sage and cranberry sauce.

The Yuletide combo comes encased in golden puff pastry with a crunchy crumb topping, and joins the bakery chain’s legendary line-up of bakes.

Iceland is selling three packs of Greggs festive bakes for a fiver.

Greggs is no stranger to using social media in clever ways to promote its products.

The chain caused a stir earlier in the year when it launched a vegan sausage roll and attracted the ire of Piers Morgan, who called the store ‘PC-ravaged clowns’.

Read more: KFC unveils Christmas box which includes festive burger and fries

But it soon hit back, replying to Piers’ outraged Tweet with a cheeky response.

“Oh hello Piers,” it said. “We’ve been expecting you.”

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Nancy Brown
Acting Editor