Man cross / bride

Man defended for refusing to pay for his daughter’s wedding after she bans him from walking her down the aisle

Is he in the wrong?

On the Reddit AITA [Am I The A*****e] subreddit, a man has been defended after refusing to pay for his daughter’s wedding after she wouldn’t let him walk her down the aisle.

The man posted his shock confession on the site yesterday (Sunday, July 2) – and many took to the replies to show him their support.

Dad walking daughter down the aisle
The dad wanted something like this on his daughter’s wedding day (Credit: Pexels)

Reddit AITA: Man refuses to pay for his daughter’s wedding

Yesterday saw a father take to Reddit to make a shock confession – he isn’t paying for his daughter’s wedding. His reasoning? Because she won’t let him walk her down the aisle.

“I’m a 48-year-old man and my 19-year-old daughter has always been an independent thinker. I raised her to be independent and think for herself, which I’ve always appreciated. However, we recently hit a bit of a snag,” he wrote.

“She got engaged and decided that she doesn’t want me to walk her down the aisle at her wedding. She argues that her mother and I don’t “own” her, therefore we have no right to “give her away”,” he then continued.

Daughter refuses to allow dad to walk her down the aisle

He then continued. ” I feel hurt by this because we never treated her like an object or piece of property, rather we’ve tried our best to provide her with a wonderful life,” he said.

“Her stance seems extreme to me and despite discussions, she’s refusing to budge on the issue. I respect her choices, but I feel she’s disregarding our feelings completely. As a response, I told her that if she feels that way, then I won’t be paying for her wedding,” he then continued.

“I don’t want to come across as controlling or manipulative. But by her logic, if I don’t “own” her, I also don’t owe her a fully-funded wedding. She can pay for her own wedding if she’s insistent on this stance,” he then said.

“I’m feeling quite conflicted about this. AITA?”

Grumpy man
The father has been defended (Credit: Pexels)

Father defended by Reddit AITA readers

The father later clarified that this isn’t about him, it’s about his daughter’s “selfish” attitude. Plenty of readers were keen to defend him.

“NTA [Not The A*****e]. You heard her. She is independent. Independent people deal with their own bills,” one reader commented.

“Exactly. You don’t ‘own her’ – why are you paying for a wedding to give away a possession you don’t own? NTA and less financial stress for you!” another said.

“Agreed. NTA OP [original poster]. As she stated you do not own her. Independence comes with a price and that price is to be able to pay your bills and your expenses,” a third then said.

“NTA exactly because it’s your money, your call. But die on this hill, daughter funds her own wedding, be prepared to not even get an invite, much less walk her down the aisle. It’ll be her money, her call,” another warned.

Read more: Man told off after cutting his son’s friend’s hair without permission

Reddit asks, Am I The A-HOLE? AITA compilation.

Is he in the wrong? Leave us a comment on our Facebook page @EntertainmentDailyFix and let us know. 

Robert Emlyn Slater
Freelance Writer