Andrea McLean husband Nick

Andrea McLean: Star’s husband Nick Feeney says he’d ‘give up everything’ to protect her mental health

The Loose Women star opened up about her personal struggles

Andrea McLean has a true champion in her corner – her husband Nick Feeney.

Nick said he’d give up everything to make sure Andrea’s mental health is on track.

The couple, both 50, spoke honestly about Andrea’s past struggles on a podcast.

Speaking on Kate Thornton’s White Wine Question Time, they delved into Andrea’s past battles with anxiety and depression.

The Loose Women star recently admitted to having past suicidal thoughts. And that she had hidden them from her friends and family due to feelings of great shame.

andrea mclean husband nick feeney
Andrea McLean’s husband says he never wants to see her suffer again (Credit:

What did Andrea McLean’s husband say?

Nick said he’d be willing to give up his career as a businessman and sell everything up to keep his wife healthy.

He explained: “Andrea is such a tough individual and she has walked through so much [expletive] in her life. She wants to put a smile on her face and be professional.

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“To have seen what’s gone on, the difference with me is that I’ve not just read it in a book – I’ve seen it. It’s just horrendous, it’s hard.

“All I want to do now is make sure she never goes back there again.

andrea mclean loose women
Andrea McLean says she hopes to help other women with her new book (Credit:

“To do everything within my power… sell everything, get rid of my cars, get rid of my property, I’d get rid of everything to make sure you [Andrea] do not go from smiling at me, then something happens and you’re in tears.

“It’s just awful to watch and I never want to see her go back there again.

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“She’s in such a good place at the moment and I just want to keep her there.”

Andrea McLean new book

Meanwhile, Andrea says she’s written her new book, This Girl Is On Fire, to help others who have battled mental health issues.

andrea mclean itv
Andrea has spoken of her anxiety struggles on Loose Women before (Credit: ITV)

Andrea said: “I realise that all I’ve ever wanted to do is help people…the menopause book was just to help people. I’d had my own experience, it was pretty traumatic.

“I found out that thousands of women didn’t have access to this important information.

“For this third one, I realise that because I’d been through this horrible experience and I’d come out the other side, it was like paying it forward.

Andrea McLean Talks About Her Anxiety | Loose Women

“I couldn’t just do tips and advice – you have to take them on that journey with you so that they understand you’ve really lived this.”

This Girl Is on Fire: How to Live, Learn and Thrive in a Life You Love by Andrea McLean is out on September 29.

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Nancy Brown
Acting Editor