ED composite of Ayda Field and Robbie Williams speaking on Loose Women

Ayda Field and Robbie Williams announce death of their dogs who ‘died together in bed’

The couple have had their furry friends for many years

Ayda Field and Robbie Williams have shared the sad news that two of their dogs have died.

Former Loose Women star Ayda, 45, said their dogs Poupette and Walle “left this planet to start an adventure in an infinite galaxy far, far away”.

Ayda said the dogs “died together in bed, listening to Dancing Queen” and “surrounded by tremendous love”.

Ayda Field and Robbie Williams dogs

She then provided her followers with a backstory on both Poupette and Walle. She said Poupette had been with her for 18 years and was her “soulmate”.

Meanwhile, Ayda and Robbie, 50, then got Walle two years before they got married. When they tied the knot in 2010, Poupette was Ayda’s “maid of honour” while Walle was Robbie’s “best man”.

Ayda continued: “Through the years, Poupette and Walle have been there for the birth of all 4 children, multiple tours, countries, and all the ups and downs that life has thrown our way the past 14 years since we said, ‘I do’.

“As time has gone on, we have had to say our sad goodbyes to each of those bridesmaids and groomsmen…”

Ayda Field and Robbie Williams at the ITV Palooza
Ayda and Robbie have shared the death of their dogs (Credit: SplashNews.com)

Ayda Field on Instagram

She said: “Miraculously, Poupette and Walle have held on.

“Recently, Rob and I renewed our marriage vows. There’s a lot of things we’re facing now (more on that another time) and we wanted to celebrate what was good in our lives; family and love. Just as 14 years ago… Poupette was my maid of honor and Walle was Rob’s man.”

For the first time in 18 years, I won’t have ‘my shadow’ or my little fur besties to greet me at the door.

Ayda said she believes the pooches were “holding on to make sure they showed up for ‘Mom’ and ‘Dad’ when we really needed them”.

She added: “Today marks the closing of 1 huge chapter. For the first time in 18 years, I won’t have ‘my shadow’ or my little fur besties to greet me at the door.

Ayda Field and Robbie Williams look downcast at event
Ayda and Robbie’s two dogs died together in bed (Credit: SplashNews.com)

“The sadness might be hard to comprehend for anyone who has never had a pet they loved. I suppose these words aren’t for you. But for those of you who’ve had a fur bestie, a soulmate like Poupette or Walle, that you lost… I offer my teary hug. Hope it helps.”

Ayda concluded the heartbreaking post: “Going to cry and take some time to process these next few days. The final members of the bridal party have left us, but if I know Poupette and Walle, they are going to throw one heck of an after-party.

“Poupette and Walle, you watched me grow from a girl to a woman, and supported me for all my adult life. I love you with all my heart.

“May you rest and play together, forever and tell me all about it when I see you again.”

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Read more: Robbie Williams announces he and wife Ayda Field have renewed vows as he admits feeling ‘anxiety over the future’

Send your support to Ayda and Robbie on our Facebook page @EntertainmentDailyFix.

Rebecca Carter
Associate Editor (News)

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