Sir Billy Connolly has sent out a cheerful musical message assuring fans he is “not dead” following a programme documenting his battles with cancer and Parkinson’s.
His wife Pamela Stephenson posted the video update to her Twitter page after Billy’s documentary had fans concerned on Friday night.
The comedian gave a frank update on his health troubles in Billy Connolly: Made In Scotland, and revealed on the BBC programme that his life was “slipping away”.

Read more: Billy Connolly has viewers in tears in new documentary
Sir Billy reviewed his life in comedy and said he felt “near the end”, although he insisted he was unafraid of what awaited him.
But in a less sombre message released online, the comedy hero and adept folk musician told fans he was very much alive.
— Pamela Stephenson (@PamelaStephensn) January 5, 2019
While strumming his banjo in what appeared to be his new home state of Florida, the Glasgow-born comedian says:
“Not dying, not dead, not slipping away. Sorry if I depressed you. Maybe I should have phrased it better.”
Fans were thrilled with the update, with one requesting that Pamela posts a similar video every day just to reassure them.
Viewers had been moved to tears on Friday night when the documentary aired, expressing their feelings on Twitter.
Is it possible to donate years of my life to Billy Connolly so he lives forever? Because I’d honestly do it
— Andrew Hood (@AndrewHood3) January 5, 2019
Really enjoying #MadeInScotland with #BillyConnolly. Moved to tears and laughter several times. Deeply touched by the banjo maker who refused to ‘sell’ him a beautiful bespoke banjo, insisting on gifting instead “if you want it, it’s yours”.
— Nicola Gilbert (@nicolaagilbert) January 5, 2019
I watched #BillyConnolly last night and almost reduced me to tears. The man is a national treasure and you could see when people were meeting and chatting to him the love they had for him. Was a nice touch from the banjo maker giving Billy a new Banjo too. #legend #thebigyin
— Bobby Robertson (@bobbyrob1974) January 5, 2019
Just finished watching the ‘Billy Connolly : Made In Scotland’ Documentary and it had me in tears both hysterical and sad. A true national treasure always looking on the bright side of everything. What an inspiration 👏🏻 🏴 #TheBigYin #BillyConnolly
— Cammy Drennan (@InCammyWeTrust) January 5, 2019
"You can either break down and complain about how miserable your life is or have a go at it and survive". In tears watching this! #BillyConnolly #Legend 🏴
— Nicole (@WeeColeeee05) January 4, 2019
Read more: Billy Connolly reveals he’s “near the end” of his life
Connolly said that there were still more songs to sing, friends to make and jokes to tell in the TV show exploring his life.
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