
Corrie’s Kate Connor to find unexpected love with Rana Nazir amid family drama

This person will definitely raise a few eyebrows

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Corrie’s Kate Connor is set to have a new love interest that will surprise everyone and rumours have been circulating for some time who it might be.

But now speculation is rife as to one person in particular that Kate could end up hooking up with.

Have the show been dropping hints that nurse Rana Nazir will be Kate’s new lady?

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Kate and Rana have already been on a wild night out together earlier this year alongside Rana’s sister-in-law Alya Nazir.

Oh yes, did we forget to mention Rana is married to Zeedan Nazir? That would definitely make this a shocking pairing then.

The girls are set to grow closer as Kate’s dad Johnny Connor is diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis.

As a nurse, Rana knows what’s going on, but Johnny is insistent he doesn’t want his fiancée Jenny Bradley or his son Aidan Connor told about his illness.

But Kate is determined they have a right to know and is only talked out of blabbing herself by Rana, who insists it’s Johnny’s choice.

With Kate struggling to cope with her dad’s condition, and no one to talk to other than Rana, could comfort turn to passion?

Rana was a bit of a wild child when she first arrived in town, and marrying Zeedan seemed to calm her down all-too quickly. Could she be looking for a fling to spice things up?

Fans are certainly starting to think this is the direction things could be going in.

Actress Faye Brookes spoke about what’s coming up for Kate at last week’s British Soap Awards.

Speaking to Radio Times, Faye revealed her character’s new love interest is set to “shock people”.

“Trust me, it’s not quiet any more,” she told the publication.

“We are ready to go for this year! I’m not going to give too much away, but there’s definitely something coming on the love life front.

“It’s going to shock people. I don’t think fans will guess who it is and neither will Kate, but I’m really excited and want to embrace it – and hopefully this time it will be for the long haul.”

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Her last girlfriend, Caz Hammond, turned out to be a complete psycho stalker who ended up faking her own death to get Maria Connor locked up.

And Kate’s dalliance with Sophie Webster hasn’t really led anywhere, with the pair denying their attraction and just staying friends.

So if it’s someone on the Street already who’s not Sophie, does Rana fit the bill?

We wonder how long we’ll have to wait to find out if we’re right…

Carena Crawford
Associate Editor (Soaps)