
Coronation Street stars film emotional funeral scenes

The death will change two lives forever

Corrie’s Billy Mayhew and Todd Grimshaw have been spotted on location filming a sad funeral scene.

It’s thought the service is for Billy’s friend and former lover, Drew, who recently told Billy he was suffering from a terminal illness.

When Drew turned up in Weatherfield Todd immediately took a dislike to him, thinking he was trying to split him and Billy up.

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He overheard Drew saying some not very nice things about him on the phone and when Todd confronted him that’s when he revealed the truth about his condition.

Todd felt awful, but worse was yet to come when they discovered Drew did in fact have an ulterior motive.

It wasn’t in the way Todd suspected, though. He didn’t want Billy back, he wanted Billy to look after his daughter Summer when he dies.

After a long discussion, Todd admitted to Billy he wasn’t ready to be a dad.

A heartbroken Billy tried to persuade Todd to change his mind, but eventually faced a terrible choice between his relationship and helping his friend.

He told Drew he’d be unable to care for Summer, but promised to be in her life and always look out for her.

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But Drew is set to pass away sooner rather than later and Todd will have to confront the fact he denied Billy the chance to be Summer’s surrogate dad.

As Todd tries to comfort a distraught Billy, will he realise that taking custody of Summer is the right thing to do?

Is their relationship strong enough to survive this?

A devastated Billy is set to grieve very hard for Drew, but will the upset push him and Todd further apart?

If Todd doesn’t have a change of heart about becoming a parent, it just might be the end for the couple.

Carena Crawford
Associate Editor (Soaps)