
Corrie’s Chris Harper reveals Bethany’s ordeal is far from over

It's going to be a long road for the abused teenager

Coronation Street fans were relieved last night when Bethany Platt finally managed to get away from evil Nathan Curtis.

But if we thought that was the end of it, sadly, it’s not, as the teen still faces a “harrowing” time according to Chris Harper, who has portrayed Nathan so convincingly.

“Nathan has finally lost his grip on Bethany,” he revealed. “But it will still be a harrowing time for her as she struggles to come to terms with what has happened to her.

“She now faces a battle to get justice and will need a lot of support as she rebuilds her life.”

Read more: Viewers thrilled as Nathan is finally arrested in Corrie

The actor, who is an ambassador for charity Voicing CSA, has also spoken out praising how Barnado’s are transforming the lives of victims of child sexual exploitation.

“Barnardo’s specialist services carry out this essential work with real life victims of child sexual exploitation, supporting them to move on and seek justice through the courts against their perpetrators.

“They also strive to ensure schools, families and the community are aware and vigilant to possible signs of grooming and sexual exploitation, so children get the protection they deserve.”

It’s been a hard plot to watch unfold as Bethany has been taken in by groomer Nathan, believing him to be in love with her and to want to take care of her.

But actually he’s been pimping her out to his mates for cash and the final part of his plan was to sell her on abroad and wash his hands of her completely.

Bethany couldn’t see it at first and had packed her bags and fled with her abuser on Monday, despite Mary Taylor begging her to see what Nathan really was.

When they got on the road and Nathan turned on her, revealing he was sending her to Belgium on her own, the scales eventually fell from Bethany’s eyes.

She was terrified as she realised what was really going on, but with no means of calling for help when Nathan destroyed her sim card, she was left with little choice but to ask a woman she’d never met before for help when they stopped at a service station.

Read more: Viewers horrified as Corrie’s Neil threatens Bethany

Bethany explained that a man was trying to take her abroad and she didn’t want to go, the woman called the police and when Nathan came over to tell her they were leaving, the woman stood up for Bethany and told him the teen wasn’t going with him.

As Nathan got nasty, grabbing Bethany’s arm and trying to drag her with him, the cops arrived in the nick of time and arrested him for human trafficking.

Add that to the other charges he’s already facing, and let’s hope he goes down for a very long time.

But he didn’t leave before giving Bethany a parting shot – swearing at her and calling her “nothing”.

At the police station, Bethany was bravely preparing to give her interview when she was intercepted by rapist policeman Neil, who warned her not to incriminate him.

He made it very clear to the teenager that, even though she was in a police station, she still wasn’t safe.

Neil then threatened her mum Sarah and her baby brother.

This was enough to make poor Bethany clam up when the female detective leading the inquiry probed for details about the first man she was pimped out to – who, of course, was Neil.

Knowing that Neil was listening, she said she would not recognise him – but branded him vile.

She then shut down her interview and refused to answer further questions.

Viewers don’t know, as yet, whether Neil has managed to frighten Bethany off from taking any further action.

Let’s hope not, she deserves justice for all that she’s been through.

Carena Crawford
Associate Editor (Soaps)