
Donald Trump’s doctor says he is fit as a fiddle

Medical examination concludes the nominee has the stamina to serve as President

Donald Trump is in “excellent physical health” and has the “stamina” to serve as president, his doctor said.

In a letter released Thursday by the GOP nominee’s campaign, it states Trump underwent an examination last Friday by his longtime personal physician, Dr. Harold N. Bornstein of New York City.

“Republican presidential nominee Donald J. Trump, who is setting records for number of events, size of crowds, and breadth of travel on the campaign trail, determined in light of increased scrutiny of candidates’ health, it was important to have a detailed physical examination for all the various standard tests attributable thereto,” the statement said.

It went on: “We are pleased to disclose all of the test results which show that Mr. Trump is in excellent health, and has the stamina to endure – uninterrupted – the rigors of a punishing and unprecedented presidential campaign and, more importantly, the singularly demanding job of President of the United States.”

Bornstein, who practices medicine at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City, wrote that Trump has healthy blood pressure of 116/70, healthy blood sugar levels, normal liver and thyroid function, and enviable cholesterol numbers.

Putting new pressure on Hillary Clinton to release additional information about her medical history, Trump also appeared on the Dr Oz show to share the results of his medical.

On the ‘Dr. Oz Show,’ Trump said he seldom gets sick.

‘I haven’t had a cold in a long time. Years!’ he told Oz and his studio audience.

‘I don’t get much with the colds. Sometimes in the spring or the fall I get a little hay fever … not very bad.’

Trump also said he tries to ‘stay out of the sun for the most part.

‘I wear a hat.’

He joked that his lack of health issues was probably not what the audience expected to hear.

‘I have to be very boring for you!’ Trump said.

He told Oz that when he looks in the mirror, he sees a much younger man.

‘I would say I see a person that’s 35 years old,’ Trump declared, adding that when he plays golf with NFL quarterback Tom Brady, 39, ‘I feel I’m the same age as him. It’s crazy.’

Bornstein’s letter says Trump had a colonoscopy in 2013 ‘which was normal and revealed no polyps.’

‘His calcium score in 2013 was 98. His EKG and chest X-ray on April 14, 2016, were normal. His cardiac evaluation included a transthoracic echocardiogram on December 16, 2014. This study was reported within the range of normal. His testosterone is 441.6.’

Trump takes a statin drug to lower his cholesterol levels every day, along with an aspirin.

‘He does not use tobacco products or alcohol.’

A preliminary report from Clinton’s doctor this week revealed bacterial pneumonia, steroid treatments and a history of sinus infections.

But Dr. Lisa Bardack concluded she is ‘fit to serve’ as president.

Nancy Brown
Acting Editor

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