Ice lolly Unsplash

Expert warns women off putting ice lollies in their vaginas during heatwave

Stick to your mouth for cooling off!

| Updated:

With temperatures reaching a record-breaking 38 degrees today, many will be turning to ice lollies to battle the heatwave.

Many of us will be reaching for one to suck on to keep us refreshed but, er, make sure that’s all you do with one…

ice lolly Unsplash
Careful where that ice lolly goes (Credit: Unsplash)

While we’re pretty certain that most women wouldn’t be likely to think of inserting ice lollies into their vaginas as a means of keeping their temperature down, an expert has now spoken out to warn against the practice anyway.

Dr Sarah Welsh, the co-founder of HANX condom brand, told Metro: “The vagina is composed of very delicate and sensitive skin, hence things that may seem innocent to other areas of the body, if they come in contact with the vagina, can cause infections, irritations and damage.

Strictly for the mouth! (Credit: Unsplash)

“There are many things that should never go near a vagina and ice lollies are up there.

“The ice can stick to the delicate skin of the vagina and cause real trauma and damage.

“What’s more, putting any foodstuff inside your vagina can introduce microbes, disrupting its normal balance and allowing an environment for bacteria to grow and infections to develop.”

Bra Coolers will help boobs keep their cool (Credit: Polar Products)

How to keep cool in the heatwave

Right, you’ve all been warned… One trick women might like to try out, however, are freezable bra inserts. Bra Coolers, sold by Polar Products, are machine washable and re-useable. The inserts look similar to the ‘chicken fillets’ made to enhance what Mother Nature gave us.

These inserts will freeze solid at just 14c, which means you can prep them in the fridge, if you’re not near a freezer. Slip them into your bra and they’ll provide some comfort to your chest. The NHS has issued a new guide on how to survive the hot weather.

Or you could just try freezing your bed sheets, and closing windows and curtains.

What are your tips for keeping cool during the heatwave? Leave us a comment on our Facebook page @EntertainmentDailyFix and let us know!