
EastEnders fans furious about Mick Carter

This week sees heartbreaking scenes for grieving Carmel

EastEnders fans were left heartbroken after watching Walford residents come to terms with Shakil Kazemi’s death last night.

But while most viewers took to social media to share their praise for the soap and the brilliant acting from its cast, some were left fuming that Mick Carter was being blamed for the teenager’s death.

Fans are fuming that Keegan blames Mick Carter for Shakil’s death (Credit: BBC)

As Shakil’s family and friends struggled to deal with the fact he had been so brutally killed, Bonnie Langford’s portrayal of grieving mum Carmel Kazemi bought fans to Twitter in their droves, full of praise for the actress.

Read more:  EastEnders fans confused by Mick Carter’s involvement in the knife story

Throughout the episode Carmel could be seen calling her son’s phone, just so she could listen to his voice as his answerphone message played out.

Carmel called Shakil’s answer phone just to hear his voice (Credit: BBC)

Fans were left heartbroken for the character…

But the thing that got fans venting the most on social media was the fact everyone seems to be pointing the finger of blame at Mick.

Keegan confronted Mick last night (Credit: BBC)

Viewers were quick to point out that had Keegan not stolen the bike in the first place, none of this would have happened. But despite him being in the wrong, the main culprit for Shakil’s death was obviously the gang member carrying a knife.

Keegan thinks Mick is to blame for his best friend’s death (Credit: BBC)

But despite this, Keegan visited an already guilt-wridden Mick at the Vic to tell him that he was to blame for not saving Shakil’s life…

During the scene between Mick and Keegan in the barrel store of the pub, the bereft teenager said he blames Mick for not listening when he tried to tell him that Shakil had also been stabbed.

But Mick was quick to point out that he was so focused on saving Keegan’s life, that he didn’t hear his pleas.

Is Keegan just lashing out because of his grief? (Credit: BBC)

With this week set to see more heartbreaking scenes for Carmel and her family, it seems this storyline is going to leave fans devastated.

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Tonight’s episode sees Carmel try to take her own life in the wake of her son’s death – only for Kush to realise what has happened and call an ambulance.

Carmel also blames Mick for not saving Shakil (Credit: BBC)

Carmel’s cry for help comes after she thinks Kush is still planning to move to Dubai, and wonders how she will cope without yet another son by her side.

Carmel is terrified that Kush will still move away from Walford (Credit: BBC)

Watch EastEnders tonight at 7.30 on BBC1 to see these scenes unfold.

What do you think of EastEnders’ knife crime story? Let us know by commenting on our Facebook page @EntertainmentDailyFix!

EastEnders airs on Monday and Friday at 8pm and Tuesday and Thursday at 7.30pm on BBC One

Claire Crick
Freelance Soap Writer

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