
One Born Every Minute fans in tears as mum talks about stillbirth

Mum Sam opened up about the devastating loss of her daughter Rosa

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One Born Every Minute is always an emotional rollercoaster – and it was impossible not to be moved by the story of mother Sam, who lost her previous child to stillbirth.

Sam was filmed giving birth to daughter Isla Rose with her childhood sweetheart Tony by her side.

Read more: Harry Judd’s pregnant wife Izzy opens up about IVF struggle.

But viewers learnt that the couple’s first daughter Rosa had died in the womb – and Sam had endured a 12-hour labour while knowing that her baby wasn’t alive.

Sam described it as the “saddest time ever” in her life.

“It was just awful, as a woman you feel a real emptiness,” she said.

“Carrying your baby for that long you expect to bring that baby home.”

Sam added that she hated the thought of her daughter lying in a dark cemetery. She and Tony often take their son Oscar to the cemetery to pay their respects.

While the couple were “ecstatic” to find out they were expecting another child, they didn’t want to forget Rosa.

“My little girl was taken away from me and now I’ve been given something back,” said Sam.

Read more: Cheryl and Liam “running out of time” to register baby’s birth. 

Said Tony: “It’s very important to keep the memory of Rosa going.

“It’s part of me I don’t want to forget, but you have to keep going with your lives.

“Having the new baby represents hope, represents happiness for us. It’s brilliant.”

Viewers were also delighted for the couple. “How beautiful is Sam on One Born Every Minute,” wrote one. “Both deserve all the happiness in the world.”

Nancy Brown
Acting Editor

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