Fern Britton speaking on This Morning

Fern Britton issues stark warning to fans as she shows off injury following knife accident


It’s been a hectic weekend for Fern Britton, who found herself treating a knife injury recently, as she told Twitter fans.

The 65-year-old took to Twitter to show her fans her wounds after a freak accident involving a steak knife. The former This Morning host issued a dire warning to her 144,000 followers before sharing shocking snaps.

Fern Britton speaking on Lorraine
Fern worried fans with her injury (Credit: ITV)

Fern Britton on Twitter

“WARNING: Just stabbed my thumb. Using a steak knife instead of scissors to cut string around a bunch of flowers,” she explained.

Adding that the knife ‘went in about a centimetre’, Fern then detailed that the inside of her thumb ‘looks like steak’.

“Sorry, are you having supper?” she quipped, before clarifying that she “held up okay”.

Unsurprisingly, Fern’s concerned fans flocked to the comments to send sympathy and ask if the broadcaster was alright.

Fans express concern

“Could have been worse, glad you’re okay!” one person wrote. “Keep it clean and change plaster regularly to stop any infections,” advised a second.

Just stabbed my thumb. Using a steak knife instead of scissors to cut string around a bunch of flowers.

“Antiseptic too, keep it clean, wish you well Fern!” said a third.

Others believed Fern should go to her local A&E to get checked over.

“Be careful as deep wounds at the base of the thumb have a habit of reopening as it’s quite a mobile area,” one person warned. “Might be an idea to get it seen by a nurse at your surgery or local A&E, as 1cm can be quite deep for an area that size.”

Fern Britton smiling outside studios
Fern was quick to reassure fans (Credit: Splash News)

“As long as you keep it clean and dry and it seems to be healing well and you feel okay in yourself…” a second added. “If you feel it needs seeing to later in the week then pop along then!”

Fern meanwhile added she will “let fans know” if she needs to be checked over.

Fingers crossed for a speedy recovery!

Read more: Fern Britton shares cryptic post on Twitter amidst This Morning scandal: ‘All things will pass’

Fern Britton on Grieving the Loss of Her Mum | This Morning

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