
Cheryl and Liam Payne’s rumored baby: Is Alfie on the way?

The singer says she was put on earth to be a mother – aww!

It’s been the question on everybody’s lips for months but Cheryl and Liam Payne’s alleged new baby might not be a surprise to some.

Cheryl, 33, and her younger boyfriend Liam first went public with their romance in February of this year but there have been talks of babies for quite some time.

Read more: Is this pic Cheryl confirming has a bun in the oven?

Cheryl once told GQ in an interview: “I’d love kids. I’m obsessed with babies. Of course I’ve thought about baby names. A million times. I like Alfie for a little boy. I know that’s what I was put on the earth to do. To be a mother.”

Alfie hey?

Alfie Payne has quite the ring to it. We like it.

Not long after the beautiful couple first got together did rumours start that they were desperate to start a family together.

In an interview with Magic Radio in August 2015 Liam said: “I wanna have kids when, you know, I have the time but at the moment, life’s so busy and I wouldn’t want to commit to something like that when I haven’t got the necessary time for it yet.

“That’s my careful planning ahead!” he added.

“But I’m more, well I’m always known as the dad of One Direction so I’m, you know, trying to plan life carefully.”

Well, well, well… Do you have time now Liam?

In actual fact, Cheryl isn’t divorced from ex-boy Jean-Bernard Fernandez-Versini yet.

Read more: ED! Exclusive: How to find love – and keep it, according to First Dates’ romance guru Fred Sirieux

Reports say that Jean-Bernard is stalling the divorce due to his reluctance to sign a ‘no talk’ order.

Let’s hope it gets sorted soon, before ‘baby Alfie’ arrives!

Nancy Brown
Acting Editor

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