
John Lewis Christmas ad character leaked by London store staff

But don't get your hopes up about tonight's rumoured premiere!

The John Lewis Christmas ad frenzy continues, and shop staff are not helping to keep it under control!

The company go to huge lengths every year to keep things secret when it comes to the big reveal, but staff at a London store seem to have made an innocent blunder, revealing the latest character of the Christmas Ad.

On Monday, a new Twitter account @UnderTheBed appeared with a four second video of a big pair of eyes looking around the darkened screen.

Two more 4 second videos have since appeared with the hashtag #UnderTheBed.

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But on Tuesday, an eagle eyed shopper spotted that staff had put the £20 toy of the character near the checkouts at John Lewis in Canary Wharf.

The grey cuddly creature was also said to be wearing one sock on its left foot.

When a shopper spotted the error the toys were removed.

The shopper told The Sun: “I’ve seen the #underthebed hashtag and trailers. I thought it had to be the character from the adverts.

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“When I went in to the same shop later, the monsters had been completely removed from sale.

“I had a little chuckle to myself because I realised someone must have made a big mistake.”

Rumours that the full advert will be shown tonight were quashed when Entertainment Daily spoke to the John Lewis Press Office.

The source told us, “We don’t comment on the Christmas Advert but I can say that rumours of the advert being shown tonight are not correct.”

And just this morning John Lewis itself posted this cheeky teaser:

Ooooooh, come on John Lewis, stop teasing us already, we need us some Christmas cuteness and soon!

Nancy Brown
Acting Editor

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