Love Island's Hayley

Love Island’s Hayley and Charlie dumped

ED! catches up with Hayley and Charlie about villa dumping

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Love Island viewers have dumped Hayley Hughes and Charlie Frederick from the villa, after they went up against Dr Alex George and Samira Mighty in a public vote on Friday.

Both couples were voted the least compatible in the villa by their fellow islanders and unfortunately for models Hayley, 21, and Charlie, 23, they were the pair sent packing.

Charlie only arrived at the villa last week and immediately caught Hayley’s eye, being picked by her in the last recoupling.

Love Island's Charlie and Hayley
Charlie and Hayley were dumped on Friday night (Credit: ITV)

However, cracks quickly formed with Charlie accusing Hayley of “muggy” behaviour and being distant from him, although she defended herself by saying she wouldn’t rush into a relationship when she was unsure.

ED! and other media caught up with Hayley and Charlie after their dumping to chat about what went wrong for them, which couples are playing games and, er, Brexit…

How does it feel to be out of the villa so soon?

Hayley: “Obviously it’s sad to be the first couple dumped from the island but I genuinely know it’s not the end of the journey and I’m excited to see what comes next.”

Read more: Love Island’s first episode SMASHES ratings record!

Do you agree you were the least compatible couple in there?

Hayley: “Yeah, I genuinely do feel we were the least compatible. Obviously we were up with Alex and Samira; they were compatible, just not in a romantic way. And obviously I’ve been there two weeks and I didn’t find anyone in early days I was compatible with, so I was being true to my own feelings.”

Love Island's Hayley
Hayley said she stayed true to her feelings in the villa (Credit: ITV)

Is there any other couple you think should have gone instead of you?

Charlie: “Maybe Alex and Samira, to be honest, as obviously the islanders voted us in the bottom two so they felt we were the weakest links in a sense, I guess. They were the least compatible in a romantic way, to be honest.”

Is there any chance of romance between you outside the villa?

Charlie: “No. As friends, maybe, but not as a romantic couple.”

Hayley: “No, I agree. The same.”

Love Island's Charlie and Hayley
Hayley and Charlie were voted least compatible (Credit: ITV)

Charlie, if you could have coupled with someone else in the villa who would you have picked?

“I don’t regret being coupled with Hayley and I would have done the same thing if I went in again as I fancied Hayley from the get-go, but I definitely would have coupled up with someone else if I knew I’d get nothing back the whole time. I would have probably gone for Megan. She’s a gorgeous girl and she’s actually really nice and easy to get on with, so what’s not to like?”

If you were competing against Eyal for Megan’s affections who would win?

“Me! (laughs) We get on really well. I felt like I wanted to give Hayley a really good chance so I didn’t really put it on Megan very much. I feel like if I did, I probably would have come out successful.”

Love Island's Megan Barton Hanson
Charlie suggested he’d recouple with Megan if he knew Hayley wasn’t into him (Credit: ITV)

Do you think Megan made the right choice picking Eyal over Alex?

Hayley: “I feel like Megan and Eyal are genuinely getting on and things, and maybe I can see things developing with them now. At the start I didn’t know if Eyal was just using Megan as a safety net because he didn’t have anyone else he had a connection with, but now someone has come in he is genuinely connected with and is genuinely attracted to. So, yeah, I can see them progressing.”

Do you think Eyal has been too possessive in his behaviour towards Megan?

Hayley: “I did think Eyal was a bit full on with Megan quite soon, and he wouldn’t really let Alex have a chance to get to know her or speak to her…”

Love Island Charlie Frederick ITV2
Charlie was a late arrival to the villa (Credit: ITV)

So are you Team Alex or Team Eyal?

Hayley: “Obviously I feel like I genuinely am Team Alex in every way because I genuinely want him to meet someone he has a connection with because he does have low confidence and things, and I feel he’s starting to develop a confidence. I feel like once someone comes in that he has a connection with, Alex has a lot more to offer. He’s a lovely, lovely person.”

If he’s so lovely why have none of the girls fallen for him?

Hayley: “It’s not that they don’t want to make a connection. It’s only week two so early days. Like myself, if you don’t have a connection with someone you have to be true to yourself and not fake it.”

Love Island's Charlie is feeling frustrated with Hayley
Hayley is hopeful Alex will find love (Credit: ITV)

Which couples do you think are being most genuine?

Hayley: “Dani and Jack and Wes and Laura. I think most people are genuine.”

Charlie: “They are all genuine in there. I just feel in some cases if someone came in that they thought they were more attracted to, some of their heads could turn a little bit! But I think the relationships they are in now are genuine.”

Love Island's Caroline Flack
Caroline announced the dumping results on Friday night (Credit: ITV)

So nobody in there is faking their feelings or playing games?

Charlie: “You gotta do what you gotta do in that villa! But I don’t think anyone is putting on their feelings. I think they all do feel attracted to each other and are giving it a good go. I think in all fairness they have connections with each other and it’s not fake. I think everyone in there is being genuine and is there for the right reasons and playing their cards close to their chest.”

Hayley: “It’s about who you are strongest connected to at the time in the villa and obviously people will progress and have stronger connections than others. I don’t feel like anyone is playing a game. I feel like in the couples, you’re with the person you feel the strongest connection with and are compatible with at that time. But things can change every second of the day in there.”

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Has anyone had sex yet that we don’t know about?!

Hayley: “No one’s had sex yet! (Laughs) I just feel like if the lads were in control they would have sex every day! But I think the girls are taking it slow and not rushing things and want to be sure they have a genuine connection.”

Love Island's Rosie talks to Adam
Charlie thinks Rosie and Adam could be first to have sex! (Credit: ITV)

Who will be first to have sex?

Charlie: “Rosie and Adam! They just crack on more than anyone else, I think. Probably soon!”

And finally Hayley, do you understand Brexit yet?

“(Laughs) I have more of an understanding about it now which I suppose is a good thing! The girls educated me on it.”

Love Island continues Sunday at 9pm on ITV2.

Are you sorry to see Hayley and Charlie go? Leave us a comment on our Facebook page @EntertainmentDailyFix and let us know what you think!

Nancy Brown
Acting Editor

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