
Hugh Grant’s unexpected night with Oxford students: shoe drinking and beer challenges

If you thought the news had been weird this week, this might ice the cake

It’s been the kind of week where weird news has started to become the norm.

Even the normally staid event of the General Election elicited the kind of ‘WHOA’ twists that kept us all up until the early hours, tweeting our sleep-deprived thoughts.

Which means then, that the news that Hugh Grant spent an evening this weekend drinking from a shoe and necking two bottles of beer at once with students shouldn’t really be surprising.

Except… no it still is.

Because Hugh is 56 and very definitely – last time we checked – not a student.

And probably more likely to favour a punchy vintage Barolo than, you know, shoe booze.

But a video was uploaded to Twitter this week which showed Hugh hanging out with rugby players from Oxford University’s New College as they chanted ‘I’ve never seen Hugh Grant do a shoe’.

Right, it appears ‘doing a shoe’ is a thing then. Noted.

Another video saw Hugh competing to drink two bottles at the same time as his rival dribbled booze down his chin.

Hugh, a New College alumni, went back to his old university last week to what we presume was some sort of more formal event and posed for pictures with students.

Read More: Look which other 50-something celeb is staying, er, young at heart too.

But then the more fun/shoe-based stuff kicked off.

Read More: In other weird news…

Beforehand, New College’s rugby club messaged him on Twitter saying: “Please make sure to bring the NCRFC [New College Rugby Football Club] tie with you next Tuesday for a quiet pint at the bar.”

Not to sound like someone’s mum but Hugh! This does not look like a quiet pint.

(To clarify: this did happen and is not just a result of our brains making up weird stuff owing to election-based sleep deprivation).

Nancy Brown
Acting Editor

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