
Loose Women’s Jamelia reveals “miracle” baby daughter is named True after “scary” pregnancy

What a terrifying experience for her

Jamelia has finally revealed she named her baby daughter True Winter after giving birth during the snowstorm in December.

The Loose Women panellist had told fans via Instagram that she became a mother again on December 13, but had kept the little one’s name and gender under wraps until an appearance on Lorraine this morning.

Jamelia explained she’d chosen to withhold the details from the public for a special reason.

“The reason I hadn’t revealed the name or gender was I wanted her to meet my nan and granddad first and she only met them this weekend,” said Jamelia.

“So I have another lovely daughter and her name is True. And we put the winter in there for obvious reasons!”

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Jamelia, who also has two older daughters, described True as a “miracle baby” as she detailed how her waters broke at 23 weeks and she was told to “prepare for the worst”.

“When [my waters broke early] I just didn’t for a second think it meant my pregnancy could continue,” she said.

“I didn’t know your waters could break and you could still carry the baby. I was astonished. When your waters break they usually think you’ll go into labour within the hour so I was treated like that, and from that point they told me the baby could come any day.

“I was given steroids and repeatedly hospitalised as so many problems come [with waters breaking early]. I was monitored twice a week at hospital and every time they would say, ‘You’re really lucky if you get to tomorrow’.

“I was on bed rest and it was a scary time for all of us. To get to 36 weeks was just… they keep calling my daughter a ‘miracle baby’ and she really, really is.”

Jamelia then revealed that after the terror of her waters breaking early she faced another challenge when she went into labour during that fierce snowstorm in December.

“My husband was at work and my eldest daughter had three of her friends over for a sleepover,” she recalled. “It was an episode of Fawlty Towers!

“Their parents couldn’t pick them up, I couldn’t drop them off, the ambulance couldn’t get to the house. We ended up walking to the train station with my two daughters and the three friends while I was in labour!

“By that point I was just remaining positive and making a joke out of it. And we really did have such a laugh. My daughters friends feel like they were part of it as well, and this is their baby too. It’s really sweet.”

Jamelia credited positive thinking for helping her throughout her pregnancy, and credited a doctor for telling her to surround herself with positive energy and stay happy.

“He said, ‘Act like you’re going to have a baby, not that you’re going to lose a baby.’

“And I believe that works. I came off Twitter and told everyone around me to not tell me any bad news. I wasn’t interested in any gossip. I just wanted to remain positive.

“Even before my waters broke I was having lots of problems and hadn’t bought anything for the baby or told anyone, as I was really worried. After that, we went out and bought everything and surrounded ourselves with baby things.”

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Jamelia credited her husband and two daughters for being pillars of strength during her pregnancy.

“My husband has no desire to be in the public eye or famous,” she said. “He’s wonderful.

“And my girls… between my husband and my girls, I don’t know what I would have done without them. They’ve been so fantastic and supportive. I feel so blessed.”


Nancy Brown
Acting Editor

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