
Justin Bieber stops gig to insult “obnoxious” fans

Just when we thought he'd given up being a brat

Justin Bieber stopped mid-way through his Birmingham concert to blast the fans in the audience.

Oh, Justin.

The Canadian popstar is currently touring at the Barclaycard Arena for the first two Purpose World Tour shows, but it seems so far, he has not been impressed.

Most huge stars would be disappointed if their fans did not lose their minds and voices when seeing them in concert, but not Mr Bieber.

Justin stopped performing after one song to scold his devoted Beliebers, he said: “Guys, can you do me a favour? Can you guys just relax for like two seconds?

“I’m like two feet away from you, I can hear you.

“I appreciate it, I appreciate all the love, it’s amazing, but can you show it in a different way? Screaming is just so obnoxious!”

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He went on to say that he found it “frustrating” that the audience were just screaming and not appreciating his music.

“Scream after the songs. Enjoy the songs, then scream, screaming is awesome. Screaming is fun.

“Then take a chill pill for a second and just listen to me speak.

“I don’t feel like I’m being heard sometimes and it gets a little frustrating.

“If, when I’m speaking, you guys could not scream at the top of your lungs. Is that cool with you guys?”

He continued by explaining to his fans that life on the road has been taking its toll: “I’ve been on tour for a while now, away from my friends and away from my family.

“That’s tough sometimes. But I adore all you beautiful people who keep me company. Now scream!”

Although JB tried to explain himself, many fans thought he acted like a diva.

One concertgoer told the Birmingham Mail she thought he was “disrespectful” towards the crowd.

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She said: “I really felt as though Justin was disrespectful to his fans.

“Not so much us, more the young girls who queued for a long time to be at the front.

“We recorded the fans screaming because we didn’t think we’d heard anything quite as loud at a concert before, and what we ended up recording, to our surprise, was Bieber complaining because his fans were like ‘two feet away’, and they just ‘needed to find another way to express themselves!”

However, other fans defended the star, saying that he “wasn’t rude at all”.

Biebs, who is currently touring the UK is thought to be considering a permanent move to London.

He has just rented a propery in north London worth £180k a month, as he plans to split his time between UK and Los Angeles.

That’s if the screaming girls don’t put him off!

Nancy Brown
Acting Editor

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