
Katie Price has called in a ghostbuster!

Things going bump in the night?

Katie Price famously believes in ghosts and many aspects of the supernatural.

So much so, that she once had a house inspected by mediums to figure out all the spooky goings on.

But now it seems she’s interested in doing a bit more of the ghostbusting herself!

The model invited one of the UK’s top paranormal investigators, Lee Roberts, to her house to explain a bit more about hunting poltergeists.

And Lee put a shot of the event up on his Instagram, to show his followers he had a serious customer on his hands!

Lee captioned the image: “Not been to bed yet, Ghost Hunting with @officialkatieprice & @madmadmazzy #CelebGhostHunting”.

Lee told The Sun that Katie was interested in learning about how his specialist ghoul-tracking equipment worked, and she’s keen to learn more.

He said: “Katie is very much into ghost-hunting and the paranormal and we have been messaging for a couple of months on Twitter. So we just wanted to explore it a little more – I’ve just been showing her the ropes.”

“It was not so much an investigation – it was a look at the experiments we would conduct, what equipment we could use.”

“[I was] showing her how to use the equipment. We were using it to see if it was picking up anything – she’s had bits and bobs over the years.”

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Lee also said that there were no plans to turn Katie’s latest ghostly obsession into a TV show, but they’d be sharing their discoveries via social media.

It’s far from the first time Katie’s looked into spooky goings-on at her home.

On a Loose Women appearance this time last year, she spoke of a former house she owned.

She said: “It was amazing but I couldn’t understand why it had been up for sale for two years and no one had bought it.”

“So I bought it and I had so many ghostly experiences there that I ended up having mediums come round and they told me what happened.”

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“I ended up finding out it had been built on a nursing home which had been knocked down.”

Spooky! Katie’s since moved out of that home into a new one, but believes that spirits follow her around.

Sounds a bit creepy to us – we’ll probably say no next time KP invites us over for a sleepover…

Nancy Brown
Acting Editor

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