
Katie Price melts fans hearts sharing Harvey’s adorable self portrait

He's done a picture of himself exercising

Harvey Price, Katie Price’s son, is always drawing lovely pictures for his mum, especially of his favourite animal, frogs.

But the latest one is very special – a self-portrait of him beginning to exercise.

Proud mum Kate, 41, showed off the endearing drawing being held aloft by Harvey, with her two million followers on Instagram.

The My Crazy Life star told her fans: “Harvey has drawn a picture of himself starting exercise.”

Understandably, the sweet picture drew lots of compliments from fans who gushed about how amazing Harvey’s drawing is.

“It’s a pretty good picture,” one user said.

Another wrote: “Aww, bless him, well done Harvey.”

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Harvey has drawn a picture of himself starting exercise ❤️

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The 16-year-old, who suffers from Prader-Willi – which causes sufferers to overeat – and is on the autism spectrum, has seen his weight rocket to 22 stone.

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Mum-of-five Kate fears for his health and has enlisted the help of her personal trainer boyfriend Kris Boyson to help Harvey lose weight.

Katie says of her son’s quest to get fit: “Harvey has had to start training.

“He weighs over 22 stone now. If you look at all of my kids we all eat the same, we’re all the same, but he’s got medical problems.

“And if he doesn’t sort it out he will die, we’ve been told, because of his heart.

“So at the moment we are really trying to sort out his health.”

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