Linda Nolan with serious expression in pink coat on outing

Linda Nolan shares heartbreaking death of ‘dear’ friend which came as a ‘complete shock’

Linda attended the funeral of her friend recently

Linda Nolan has opened up about the death of a “dear” friend of hers which came as a “complete shock”.

The singer, who is living with incurable cancer, shared the sad news in her latest column.

Linda, 65, also issued an update on her cancer in the article as she revealed the “tumours remain stable”.

Linda Nolan speaking on GMB
Singer Linda has opened up about the loss of a friend (Credit: ITV)

Linda Nolan on death of friend

Writing for the Mirror, Linda said: “The tumours remain stable. The disease is still there, having a blast, refusing to call it quits for the night (an honorary Nolan). But there’s no more of it. I know I’m lucky. A couple of Fridays ago I found myself at the funeral of a dear friend who was only 61 and whose death came as a complete shock.

“Four of us Nolans worked with Keith Burns – who we christened Kitty – in Blood Brothers. He was in the original cast of Les Miserables and absolutely fabulous. For a minute there in church I wondered if I could actually go through with it. The thought of seeing the coffin suddenly seemed overwhelming. It’s not like I was thinking: ‘This’ll be me in a week.'”

Linda added: “But, you know, for a moment I felt strange. Like I was about to watch how it would all unfold for me. And then, well, we all got on with singing hymns we didn’t know. This inevitable fear and time to dwell are the downsides to my drawn-out stand-off with cancer that Kitty didn’t face. Side effects are another.”

Linda Nolan smiling at event
Linda opened up about a recent fall (Credit:

The star also opened up about a recent fall she suffered.

Linda – who is the sister of Loose Women star Coleen Nolan – explained that the day after receiving her latest results on her cancer, she went to see her physio. She said she “popped to the loo and fell over”.

Linda admitted it was “one of my worst” falls as she “banged into the sink and skinned my knee”. She admitted it took her three attempts to get up while she frantically shouted “don’t come in”.

Poor Linda revealed she had “quite the audience” as her friend, two nurses and the physio were there when she finally opened the door.

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Read more: Linda Nolan gushes over ‘being alive this week’ to celebrate family baby news amid cancer battle

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Rebecca Carter
Associate Editor (News)

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