
Loose Women’s Linda Robson considered surgery after troll compared her neck to a VAGINA

This makes us so sad

Loose Women star Linda Robson has admitted ringing Harley Street surgeons to discuss a “neck lift” after a cruel troll shamed her on social media.

On Wednesday’s show, panellists, Ruth Langsford, Janet Street Porter and Anne Diamond addressed Linda’s dilemma.

Linda was really upset by the nasty comment (Credit: ITV)

Ruth explained: “After one cruel message on social media, our Linda here has been seriously considering plastic surgery.”

The audience ‘awwed’ and Ruth added: “I know, we all said the same – don’t be stupid – but will she go through with it? We’re hoping to persuade her not to by the end of the show.”

Janet told Linda she should try the 99p version (Credit: ITV)

Getting into the subject, Linda, 59, told viewers: “I’ve always had a thing about my neck because my mum gave it to me. She’d say, ‘you looked lovely on telly but your neck…’ and I’d say, ‘Mum, it’s the only one I’ve got!'”

She went on to explain how the final straw came after she posted a picture on Instagram following a workout and a troll wrote something awful.

Linda posted a video after attending Barry’s Bootcamp exercise class (Credit: lindarobson58 Instagram)

The comment she’s referring to was written beside a short clip Linda posted on 27 January.

It read wrote: “Your neck looks like a vagina!! lol.”

Her 78,000 followers piled in to disagree, telling her: “You look lovely ignore anyone saying different, when I’m your age I’d love to look as good as you. Xxxx.”

Another added: “You look amazing there’s nothing wrong with your neck.”

A third addressed the troll directly, saying: “What a nasty person you are. Linda is a fantastic woman who I think looks amazing.”

Read more: Stacey Solomon makes her fans laugh talking about her nipple!

But the mean comment hit home, and Linda went on to tell her co-presenters: “I got so upset, honestly. So I rang somewhere on Harley Street and asked about having a neck lift.

“They told me it would be two weeks and you’ve got to have an anaesthetic which frightened the life out of me.”

Linda even spoke to her children about having surgery (Credit: lindarobson58 Instagram)

She added that she even got as far as talking to her three children about the op, saying: “I told the kids and they told me, ‘you’re being ridiculous, one person has said something horrible about you’…”

As the panel told her she had nothing to worry about, Linda said: “If I look at a picture of me, I can’t see my face, I only ever see my neck, and I hate it. Look at it! It’s a turkey neck, it’s horrible!”

We think the presenter looks FABULOUS (Credit: lindarobson58 Instagram)

She then pointed to Janet, 71, and said: “Your neck’s not like that!”

Janet explained: “I’m talking all the time, so it’s clenched! That’s one of the reasons I talk all the time!”

They then discussed actresses who use tape on the back of the neck to pull back and tighten the loose skin.

Janet added to Linda: “Rather than having two weeks off work, because I love you and I’d miss you, will you just go and have a cheap neck lift?”

Ruth added that it costs about 99p.

The panel sent Linda off to try the cheap neck lift (Credit: ITV)

The Birds of a Feather star then went off to try out the, er, ‘procedure’, returning after the advert break.

She loved the effects of the gaffer tape, saying: “Look at that, it’s actually worked! I’m going to insist on this for every show.”

Linda said she wanted to do this for every show (credit: ITV)

Ruth, 57, then explained: “We’re laughing now, but Linda has been seriously considering going under the knife.”

They then asked viewers to vote on whether she should go ahead with a neck lift.

“Oh God, if they say yes, I’ll have to have it done!” Linda added, laughing.

Viewers said she shouldn’t go ahead with surgery (credit: ITV)

Thankfully, later in the show, they revealed the results, which found 63% of viewers saying she shouldn’t have the cosmetic surgery, adding: “No, she looks beautiful”.

We’ll second that.

Read more: Carol McGiffin reveals she’s planning to attend her own funeral – huh?

Loose Women continues weekdays at 12.30pm on ITV

What would you like to say to Linda? Leave us a comment on our Facebook page @EntertainmentDailyFix and let us know what you think!

Nancy Brown
Acting Editor