Loose Women’s Linda Robson has revealed how her marriage to husband Mark nearly ended after she got COVID earlier this year.
The 63-year-old actress shared her fears of her 30-year marriage to husband Mark Dunford breaking down after she contracted the virus.

Linda Robson: So what happened with her husband?
Speaking about their relationship to Bella, Linda said: “We’re happy most of the time. I think we nearly got divorced when I got COVID in January and he was stuck in a hotel for a week.”
Linda added that, despite being “so scared” of getting the virus, Mark cooked for her and “looked after her”, wearing a mask and gloves when he visited her at home.
Read more: Loose Women star Linda Robson admits marriage to husband ‘nearly ended’ over social media
Loose Women star Linda also spoke about her lockdown weight gain and revealed she’s currently a size 16 and happy with her figure.

Mark’s fears for her health
However, she doesn’t want to put on any more weight – and Linda added that Mark has worried about her health in the past.
“I feel [like it’s] been an issue. He’ll say he’s worried for my health because if I get too big… I [feel] like I’m in my forties or early fifties, not in my sixties. And I’m not going down without a fight, either!” she said.
As a result, Linda said she’ll keep dyeing her hair, using fake tan and plucking her chin hair until she’s in her eighties.
Read more: Loose Women: Linda Robson tells Wayne Rooney to ‘grow up’ after apology over hotel snaps
The presenter admitted she used to be a size 10 but felt that it aged her. She’s now focusing on being healthy and eating three full meals a day.
She revealed she’s “so much happier” now she’s put on some weight.
Linda admitted she used to want to be a size 10, but “not now”.
She said she’s “happy” where she is, but wouldn’t want to get over the “size 16 mark” because she thinks she would then feel “too heavy”.