janet street porter and saira khan

Loose Women: Viewers stunned as Saira Khan loses it over face masks and Janet Street Porter slams lockdown

Tuesday's episode of Loose Women got rather heated indeed!

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Loose Women panelists were fuming on Tuesday’s episode over lockdown.

Saira Khan was furious over Matt Hancock not wearing a face mask in a chauffeured car.

Meanwhile Janet Street-Porter accused Tier Two lockdown of being discriminatory against single people.

Saira shouted from the ITV studio that she thought it was a terrible message Matt was sending.

Despite him not doing anything wrong technically.

saira khan janet street-porter
Saira was fuming! (Credit: ITV)

Saira was furious about the face mask debacle

She said: “I’m a busy mum, I work, I’m trying to get through all of this.

“Sometimes I watch the news and I might see Matt Hancock getting a car and visually think ‘It’s alright he’s not wearing his so i don’t need to wear a face mask.’

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“Matt, wear your mask, set the example, stop giving us excuses, I’m not having it, it’s nonsense.”

Viewers were quite surprised at how ‘shouty’ Saira was.

One viewer tweeted: “#LooseWomen Saira please stop shouting! Two full episodes now she is shouting so loud I’ve had to turn tv down so much then I cant hear anyone else!!”

saira khan shouting loose women
Saira was accused of being too ‘shouty’ on Loose Women (Credit: ITV)

While Janet says she is lonely in lockdown

While another viewer advised: “If you have to shout Saira then you’ve already lost the argument #loosewomen.”

Yet another viewer defended the ITV star with: “Yes Saira is a bit shouty but that’s only because she’s frustrated, if you don’t like it, switch off #LooseWomen.”

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However, Janet said she’d had enough of the rules – and is especially upset about Tier Two regulations in London.

The journalist, 73, said she thinks it is unfair to single people such as herself.

janet street-porter
Janet feels discriminated against! (Credit: ITV)

She lamented: “I’m not too bothered about Matt Hancock because I kinda gave up on him weeks ago.

“I am totally confused, I’ve started ranting now so apologies for that, because as a single person living in London in Tier 2, us singletons are completely discriminated against.

“I like going out to have a meal with my friends in the evening, now I can’t.


“And I am condemned to sit in at home, ’cause I ain’t got a bubble; I’m too old to have a bubble. I’m fed up, I’m completely fed up.

Finally she said: “Britain now looks like a Monopoly board gone mental.”

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Nancy Brown
Acting Editor