
Lucy Spraggan shows off her impressive weight loss as she celebrates 10 months sober

X Factor star is now ripped

Lucy Spraggan showed fans her amazing body transformation after quitting the booze for 10 months.

The X Factor favourite has lost weight and toned up since going sober.

And she looks almost unrecognisable as a result.

Read more: Former X Factor star Lucy Spraggan shows off incredible weight loss


She celebrated 10 months without drinking on Instagram – and told fans who inspired her.

“Oh, it’s just me doing my ‘stay cool, you’re only TEN MONTHS SOBER’ pose!!!!!”

Lucy added that some other famously sober celebs including Lily Allen and Kelly Osbourne had kept her going.

Lucy auditioned for The X Factor in 2012, but quit the show due to illness (Credit: Cover Images)

Read more: X Factor star Lucy Spraggan challenges ITV to provide better care for participants

Healthier lifestyle

Lucy looked ripped in the photo she shared.

A sporty cropped bra and leggings showed off her toned arms and defined abs.

An ample collection of tattoos was on display as well.

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If ya can’t be a bit deep on Sunday morning then when can ya be?! I’ve learnt a lot over the last few years (fuck me, I’ve learnt a lot over the last few months!) and in those last few months there’s been a lot of time for thought for most of us! I played my first show when I was 12 years old, it was at Crich Tram Festival (hilarious) and I absolutely knew then that music was going to be my one steady, beaming, lighthouse in (what I didn’t know then was going to be) a pretty stormy sea. I’ve loved it since I can remember and it’s seen me through some incredibly dark times, some of those times that I’ve not been open about like I have been others. The thing is about both my career and my personal life is that I have worked so, so hard to improve both over the years. I have persevered through constant ‘no’ and ‘not this time’ and persevered, personally, through the times when I thought taking my own life was the only option. I’ve been quite open about that. The thing with is with life is that you can spend the whole time thinking you deserve the whole world, that owed all of the things you want, you can fall into the trap of thinking that someone or something else will provide that, but the only real, sure fire way to get what you want is to fucking work. Work the hardest you’ve ever worked at everything you do. It took me a long time to realise that ‘success’ is doing just that. It’s not about winning or being a billionaire, or being stratospherically known. It’s about knowing YOU have done everything in your power to improve and strive. That ‘no’ is most certainly not good enough. That if everything fell down YOU could get yourself out of there. I still have a long way to go in the way of personal growth, but I can tell you first hand, I’m working hard. Everything I have I worked for; I don’t want to pick the fruit from other’s trees. And for that I can give myself respect. I wouldn’t change that for the world. I also believe fucking whole heartedly that those out there who are also doing their very, very best, getting back up every time, and not taking ‘no’ are gonna succeed. I absolutely love to see it and am behind you all the way. That is all 🍏

A post shared by Lucy Spraggan (@lspraggan) on

Back in March, Lucy revealed she had dropped three dress sizes thanks to a lifestyle overhaul and gym regime.

At the time, she wrote: “It ain’t about shifting the weight, it’s about finally being confident in my own skin, loving my [bleep] tattoos and feeling healthy.”

‘Work the hardest’

Last week, she shared some of her struggle with fans.

Lucy wrote: “The thing is about both my career and my personal life is that I have worked so, so hard to improve both over the years. I have persevered through constant ‘no’ and ‘not this time’ and persevered, personally, through the times when I thought taking my own life was the only option,” she wrote.

However, Lucy managed to turn things around dramatically in her life.

“Work the hardest at everything you do,” was her advice to fans.

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