
Survey reveals bald men may be perceived as sexier and more dominant

New survey reveals how bald is best...

Bald men, rejoice! You can stop covering up, or researching hair transplants.

A new survey has been published, which shows that bald men may actually be sexier to women.

When it came to attractiveness, confidence and dominance, the research shows that baldies were leading the way.

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So if you’ve found yourself being attracted to Max Branning or Ross Kemp from EastEnders, or hunky action heroes like Bruce Willis, Vin Diesel and Jason Statham, then you’re not alone!

The survey has been conducted by boffins at the University of Pennsylvania in America.

Researchers asked male and female students to rate photos of men, some of whom were bald or had shaved heads, or their pictures had been altered to remove hair.

The participants were asked to rate each picture according to three categories – attractiveness, confidence and dominance.

And when the results were gathered up, bald chaps led the way across the board.

So there’s scientific evidence that smooth is sexy!

The participants consistently rated natural bald men, and those who had their scalps digitally enhanced to be bald for the study, as stronger than those with thick or thinning hair.

And baldness was found to make the men appear taller.

“The men were viewed as nearly an inch taller and 13 per cent stronger when pictured with shaved heads versus with hair,” the report concluded.

“Because only their hair was altered in these photographs, other factors cannot account for these differences.”

It’s great news for those who have spent years trying to cover up their baldness with comb-overs, or tried pills and potions and sprays.

And perhaps people like Wayne Rooney – who have invested thousands of pounds in hair transplants – could have saved their cash!

“Instead of spending billions each year trying to reverse or cure their hair loss, the counterintuitive prescription of this research to men experiencing male pattern baldness is to shave their heads.”

So the message to men seems to be, be bald and proud!

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There was one down side to all the positive results, as researchers found that men with bald or shaved heads were considered four years older on average.

But if people also think you’re more attractive, confident and dominant, then surely a few extra years don’t matter…

Nancy Brown
Acting Editor