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Piers Morgan hits back at claims he broke lockdown rules to visit parents

The Good Morning Britain presenter says he has followed the government guidelines

Piers Morgan has hit back at claims he broke lockdown rules, denying he made the trip from London to Sussex to visit his parents.

The Good Morning Britain presenter was questioned by a Twitter follower in response to a tweet
about Boris Johnson’s top aide Dominic Cummings.

Piers Morgan
Piers Morgan hit back at accusations he broke lockdown rules (Credit: SplashNews.com)

Read more: Piers Morgan tears straight into Dominic Cummings and Boris Johnson on GMB return

What did Piers say?

Piers claimed Mr Cummings has caused people to abandon lockdown rules because he traveled from London to his parents in Durham with his wife, who had suspected coronavirus, and their son.

Piers posted: “One thing’s for sure.. the Govt’s no longer ‘following the science’ & the British people are no longer (post Cummings) following the rules.”

One of Piers’ followers hit back with: “How was your visit to see mummy & daddy last week?”

But Piers denied the accusation, saying he has abided by lockdown rules during the COVID-10 crisis.

He replied: “Haven’t seen my parents since March 14, because the rules still state I can’t overnight at my Sussex home & unlike Dominic Cummings, I’ve abided by the rules.”

Read more: Piers Morgan admits fears he will be forced off air by vengeful GMB viewers

According to Government rules, people cannot visit friends and family inside their homes or ‘stay overnight away from your own home, except for in a limited set of circumstances, such as for work purposes’.

However, Brits are now allowed to meet up in private gardens as long as they maintain social distancing and have not more than six people present.

What did his followers say?

Some of Piers’ followers pointed this out, with one writing: “But you can drive the hour it takes to their house and sit in the garden. What a [expletive] poor son. If my mum only lived an hour away instead of six, I’d go twice a week. You’re trying to be political Piers or you don’t know the rules that changed some two weeks ago. So no point in tweet.”

Another said: “So you couldn’t make it there and back in a day? Really I think it’s your choice not to see them and you’re making excuses as to not upset them. Or maybe they are saying it’s ok son with all this going on please don’t come see us because deep down they can’t cope with seeing you!”

Birthday wishes

Last week Piers shared a rare snap with his dad Glynne to mark his birthday.

Read more: Piers Morgan slams ‘selfish’ MP for breaking lockdown rules

The pair were meant to be marking the occasion in St Tropez, France, but had to make do with a video call instead.

Piers wrote: “Happy Birthday to my dad, who looks younger than me every year.

“This pic was taken in St Tropez last year, where we would all have been again this week, doubtless celebrating with a long lunch in Club 55.

“Instead, we’ll have to settle for a Zoom chat later… c’est la nouvelle vie.”

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Nancy Brown
Associate Editor