Piers Morgan has angered viewers of Good Morning Britain as he probed fitness and social media star Joe Wicks on the topic of his love life and mocked his healthy eating beliefs during the live broadcast.
Joe, otherwise known as The Body Coach, was on the couch to chat about helping to improve the way the nation approaches health and fitness as well as his best-selling Lean In 15 book and its follow-up.
Piers was first of all stunned that Joe has a monthly turnover of £1 million after becoming a real success in the online fitness world.
The host, 51, mocked the idea that children should eat broccoli after Susanna Reid asked Joe to “sell” the vegetable to children watching at home.
Thrilled everyone seems to have enjoyed the interview with Joe Wicks @thebodycoach so much! Fitness guys always gel. pic.twitter.com/Mx3ahufTmj
— Piers Morgan (@piersmorgan) November 16, 2016
After Joe, 31, gave it his best shot, Piers encouraged children to “eat chicken nuggets” instead as broccoli is “disgusting”.
Joe seemed quite taken aback by Piers’ comments but even more so when the former newspaper editor then asked him about his love life.
Piers asked: “You’re making £1 million a month, you’re a good looking guy, you work out. How many women are beating a path to your door on an hourly basis?”
Joe did not want to answer the question and appeared increasingly uncomfortable, while Susanna hinted that Piers is “jealous”.
Piers continued as Joe said: “I don’t like talking about girls… that stuff is private.”
He then revealed that he is seeing somebody, much to Piers’ delight, who then ended the interview segment by eating peanut butter on toast.
Tune into @GMB at 7.40am I’m on there talking about my new book today
— The Body Coach (@thebodycoach) November 16, 2016
However, Piers did congratulate Joe for his massive success in recent years and said that he is “my kind of trainer” as he encourages short workouts and shares recipes for burgers.
Viewers watching Good Morning Britain at home found the interview “awkward” and “shameful” as Joe defended himself throughout the chat.
normally like piers Morgan but that joe wicks interview was atrocious. So uncomfortable and classless. #goodmorningbritain
— emma ∞ (@emmafox182) November 16, 2016
#GMB it’s time to get rid of @piersmorgan. So unnecessarily rude to Joe Wicks this morning. Shameful behaviour. Switching off !!
— Paul Hampson (@phampson76) November 16, 2016
Tuned in to listen to Joe wicks interview only for it to be totally ruined by @piersmorgan waste of time!!! #GMB
— Jackie Gilbert (@rockemme) November 16, 2016
I normally love @piersmorgan on @GMB however this morning I think he was bloody rude towards joe wicks. So uncomfortable to watch
— Charlene Appleby (@ApplebyVanda) November 16, 2016
Joe Wicks looked like he wanted to shove a said broccoli into Piers Morgan’s gob #GMB @GMB
— Lucy Curran (@LucyEC_) November 16, 2016
lol omg I thought I was the only one who found that Joe Wicks & Piers Morgan interview very awkward to watch. poor guy.
— Natasha ++ (@natashananner) November 16, 2016
Well that interview was awkward! Feel for Joe wicks after that! What an absolute prat Piers Morgan is. Susannah wasn’t much better!! #GMB
— Laura Hughes (@lauram_hughes) November 16, 2016
Some viewers suggested that Piers’ performance was down to a bout of jealousy.
Piers Morgan so jealous about Joe Wicks
— Morgan Paulett (@MorganPaulett) November 16, 2016
@GMB @piersmorgan @thebodycoach think Piers was a bit jealous this morning .
— Victoria Peaster (@VickiPeaster) November 16, 2016
Must be jealous of @thebodycoach @piersmorgan #GMB
— Laura (@LauraMcKenna13) November 16, 2016
However, some fans of the morning programme thought it was all rather amusing and harmless fun.
Thank you @piersmorgan for asking Joe Wicks all we ACTUALLY wanted to know “are you taken?” #GMB
— Nabs Knowles (@MrsNabsKnowles) November 16, 2016
.@GMB this morning was absolute comedy gold – the Joe Wicks interview with @piersmorgan was pant-wettingly funny. More of this please.
— Phil Scowcroft (@blueshedboy) November 16, 2016
@Simonrob883 @piersmorgan It was just a bit of fun, Sure Joe will get over it ffs
— Steptoe (@Steptoesyard) November 16, 2016
Celebrating his first anniversary on GMB alongside Susanna Reid this week, Piers has proved he can be a charner sometimes, praising his co-star.
Susanna is the “rock” of Good Morning Britain, he gushed.
Former tabloid editor Piers joined Susanna on the sofa in November 2015 and the duo have built up a reputation for their breezy on-screen relationship.
In an interview with the Radio Times alongside his co-host, Piers said of their partnership: “I’d describe it as alpha male meets queen bee.
“What I like is we have journalistic rigour. And I knew we’d get on when in my first week, moments before we went on air, you said, ‘God, I’ve got legs like a pit pony’.”
He added: “I also think you’re very calm and unruffled, and you’re incredibly well briefed.
“I think you’re the rock of the show – a slightly tarnished rock in many ways, but the rock nonetheless.”
Meanwhile, Susanna, 45, said the programme worked because she was the “belt and braces” to Piers’ “opinionated, dynamic, disruptive, divisive figure”.
The pair also revealed who had been their favourite guests during the year together, with Piers, 51, opting for Sir David Attenborough.
“He’s got such fierce intelligence and I think he’s a real force for good.”
Susanna said she was drawn more to human stories, notably Charles Nunn who was the detective during the Aberfan disaster.
The full interview is in this week’s Radio Times, on sale now.