Christmas baby wears a Santa hat, man looks concerned

Concerned brother admits fears over sister’s festive name for baby: ‘Would be unleashing a perfect storm of bullying’

But should he stay out of it?

A concerned brother has opened up on Reddit about his sister’s festive choice of name for her baby, believing it could lead to ‘bullying’.

He shared an account on the website about how his sibling is due to give birth around Christmas – and she is considering calling the tot ‘Noel’.

The poster indicated the name has been used previously on his sister’s husband’s side of the family. However, the brother felt ‘Noel’ for a baby that arrives at Christmas is “way too on the nose”.

Concerned brother makes his points as his sister reacts
Would concerned brother risk sticking his nose in where it isn’t wanted with his sister’s baby? (Credit:

‘I myself am a Christmas baby’

The brother explained: “Reason I am concerned is I myself am a Christmas baby, and got a lot of flack from other kids growing up about my name. And my name has nothing to do with Christmas or anything that could be construed as being Christmassy.

“But I’m very much concerned that them doing that would just be unleashing a perfect storm of bullying fodder on the poor kid.”

I’m very much concerned that them doing that would just be unleashing a perfect storm of bullying fodder on the poor kid.

The brother added: “I mean, the phrase ‘children are monsters’ is widespread for a reason.”

He also said his mother had told him not to say anything – and he hasn’t. But he remains concerned. So what should be do about it?

Pregnant woman cradles her bump at Christmas
Christmassy name turned out to be popular with those responding on Reddit (Credit:

How Redditors have reacted

The majority of Reddit users responding with comments to the original poster indicated they felt, in this instance, the uncle-to-be was in the wrong.

“It is not your position to worry about that, even though you‘re the uncle,” one person wrote.

“It is still their baby and if they like the name they’re totally free to name that baby Noel. I think it’s adorable.”

Someone else agreed: “What they name their child is really none of your business. Different strokes for different folks. Noel is a lovely name. I highly doubt your nibling is going to get teased. I can understand if they were going to name the baby ‘Christmas’, but even if they did, it’s still none of your business!”

A third person reasoned meanwhile: “I don’t necessarily think you’re wrong in your thinking – but wrong or not it’s really not for you to do anything about. You can voice your concerns to your sister but ultimately what they name their child is none of your business.

“At least Noel is a pretty name. There are a lot worse Christmas-themed names they could have picked.”

‘Be prepared for her to disregard your opinion’

However, another Redditor was more sympathetic to the brother’s position.

“As long as you do it in a kind and sensitive way,” they cautioned.

“I am one of those kids born really close to Christmas and I would have hated it even more if my parents had given me a Christmas-themed name. I would just gently let her know that Christmas babies are already overshadowed by Christmas enough as it is. Though be prepared for her to disregard your opinion and make sure if she does so you accept her decision. It is her kid after all.”

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Robert Leigh
Freelance writer