Ryan Thomas and Lucy Mecklenburgh at The Pride of Britain Awards 2018

Ryan Thomas and Lucy Mecklenburgh confirm they’re still together

Things seem to be back on track

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We’ve all been wondering the same thing since THAT video emerged of Lucy Mecklenburgh “kissing and holding hands” with another man: has Ryan Thomas broken up with her?

And we finally have the answer, as the Celebrity Big Brother winner took to Instagram to share their loved-up night out together in London.

lucy meck ryan thomas (credit: ryanthomas84 Instagram)
Lucy was clearly visible in the video as Ryan joked about Scarlett being grumpy (Credit: ryanthomas84 Instagram)

The 34-year-old former Coronation Street star posted a series of videos with his daughter Scarlett – from his previous relationship with actress Tina O’Brien – at Winter Wonderland, with Lucy clearly visible in the background.

He also shared footage from the Dorchester Hotel, where the pair were enjoying a festive evening together.

lucy meck ryan thomas (credit: ryanthomas84 Instagram)
The former TOWIE star was enjoying a drink at the fancy bar (Credit: ryanthomas84 Instagram)

Likewise, the former TOWIE star shared her own video from the fancy hotel bar.

Read more: Celebrity Big Brother tops 2018’s most-complained about programme list

It followed much heated debate over whether the 27-year-old had cheated with a man reported to be millionaire Adam Rossiter, after the Daily Mail released a “cosy” video.

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Lucy and Ryan have been dating a year and a half (Credit: ryanthomas84 Instagram)

Lucy quickly hit back, insisting they were just pals.

She tweeted: “Since when has saying goodbye to a friend turned into a cosy night out?! 🤣 #ridiculous.”

Followers were unconvinced, though.

One replied to her tweet: “You’ve actually seen the video, right? Can’t say I’ve ever known anyone to say goodbye quite like that before 🤷🏼‍♀️ you can’t just laugh it off, I wouldn’t have thought you’d be laughing if it was your boyfriend caught on video saying goodbye to another woman so passionately!”

Another wrote: “To be fair you have got ‘previous’ for mugging guys off. That was not a ‘goodbye’, much more. If I had seen my partner behaving like that it would be ‘lonely this Christmas’. Hope Ryan kept receipts for crimbo pressies.”

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They’ve always seemed very loved-up (Credit: lucymeck1 Instagram)

A third wrote: “I don’t say goodbye to ppl like that 😳😳😳.”

Ryan’s brother, Adam, also seemed unconvinced as he reportedly ‘unfollowed’ Lucy on Instagram…

adam ryan scott thomas
Ryan’s famous brothers, Adam and Scott are protective of their big bro (Credit: ryanthomas84 Instagram)

But after days of silence following the scandal, Ryan returned to social media on Thursday, and it looks like all is forgiven and forgotten.

Read more: Where is Celebrity Big Brother’s shamed star Roxanne Pallett now?

We’re happy Ryan and Lucy have worked things through. They have always seemed a great, supportive couple.

Are you happy these two are still together? Leave us a comment on our Facebook page @EntertainmentDailyFix and let us know what you think.

Nancy Brown
Acting Editor