
Scarlett Moffatt rinses Honey G on Gogglebox and it’s HILARIOUS

At least her dad Mark has a soft spot for the rapper

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We say Honey, you say…. *ahem* sorry, couldn’t help it.

In another highly entertaining episode of Gogglebox, there was one person on their telly box that caused a bit of a stir.

They were in for a right treat when they switched to The X Factor and Honey G opened the show with a ridiculous version of Men In Black that was aired a week ago.

Read more: X Factor in Ofcom probe after contestant dropped F-bomb before 9pm

With Honey wearing an all-black outfit, Leeds sisters Ellie and Izzi both said that she looked like a bin bag.

They weren’t wrong.

Then came the epic dance moves and one family couldn’t help but absolutely rinse the wannabe rapper.

Scarlett Moffatt’s dad Mark watched Honey G dancing to the R&B tune, and immediately started singing “I’m a little teapot, short and stout”

Yeah Honey, maybe lay off the dancing…

At the end of her performance Mark said: “I think she’s on par with Stevi Richie!”

Scarlett and her mum Betty sat on their sofa’s in shock.

Betty shouted: “He was sh*** an’ all man!”

Mark carried on: “I used to look forward to watching Stevi Richie, and now I look forward to seeing her…”

Honey, you’ve got a fan in Mark!

Read more: Wow! Do you recognise this talented hunk?

It seems that everybody wants to put their two cents in when it comes to the controversial X Factor contestant.

Professor Green laid into her a bit on Sunday Brunch with Tim Lovejoy and said:

“I just don’t think she’s a very credible representation.

“It’s a bit like Sonia Jackson doing something for Children In Need – do you know what I mean? It’s a joke.

“It is an entertainment show, but at the heart of it is music.”


Nancy Brown
Acting Editor

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