
Stacey Solomon sporting painful looking black eye on Loose Women

Pannellist was forced to explain how she got the injury

Although Stacey Solomon’s makeup artist did a fantastic job of covering up her black eye for today’s Loose Women, the star said it’s still there and “getting worse”.

No one would have noticed her injury if it wasn’t brought up as a topic of discussion at the beginning of the show.

Fellow panellist Andrea McLean told the audience: “One of our ladies was sporting a shiner this morning.”

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Stacey looked embarrassed and said: “Oh, no, it’s not even glamorous or heroic.”

She explained that she got the shiner after playing with her children.

She said: “This happened on Sunday, and it’s getting worse and worse by the day.

“You know when you wrap up in blanket, and sleigh down the stairs?”

Panellist Janet Street-Porter looked baffled.

Stacey countered: “Come on Janet, you’ve never sleighed down the stairs?

“Anyway, I went down too hard and went straight into the banisters at the bottom.”


Meanwhile, on last Friday’s Loose Women Stacey shocked the audience when she said seeing people having sex in public shouldn’t be a big deal.

The ladies were talking about the British couple who are facing jail-time after being caught getting down and dirty in a branch of Dominos, while waiting for their double-stuffed crusts.

The subject was met with giggles from the audience but Kaye Adams wasn’t not impressed, saying that we laugh about these kind of shenanigans too much.

She took a strong stance on the dirty duo, insisting that it wasn’t funny at all, just offensive.

She said: “‘If a guy was stood there masturbating, would we have found it funny? No.” Which is a decent point.

Stacey added that she agreed with Kaye that she’d be outraged if she saw it, but wasn’t sure why she should be, seeing how natural sex is.

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The former X Factor star said: “I’m outraged, I can’t imagine seeing that, but then I think why am I outraged?

“It’s a natural normal thing. I also have a problem with nudity, but what is so offensive about seeing something that’s completely natural?”

Nancy Brown
Acting Editor

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