A woman has two 24-stone pigs living in her marital home, but her husband has had enough.
David has reached his limit and is fed up with the pigs hogging all the room, and told Jeremy Kyle he has given wife Janey an ultimatum.
The pigs or him.
But will Janey go bacon his heart?

Any normal person would pick their lover in a heartbeat, but Dave’s demand had shocking re-pork-cussions and Janey explained she’d rather send Dave on his way than send the pigs to the butchers.
When Janey first purchased micro pig Mica, she used to carry her in her handbag, but then she got bigger and bigger…
So she decided to buy Molly to keep her company – as you do!
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Dave also told Jezza, that Janey dresses her ‘girls’ up in tutus, paints and clips their nails which costs a whopping £180 per pig.
Oh lardy!
Jane told Jez: “Nothing is wrong with me Jeremy. They’re my girls. I didn’t know they were gonna get to 24 stone did I.”

Jez squealed that it’s mental to have the animals living inside their house, because they must stink, but Janey continued to defend them: “No they don’t, they smell of coconut lotion.
“You will want one when you meet them. I’m pig-ternal, it’s a word I’ve made up.”
Jeremy tried to convince Dave to put his trotter down, but Janey wasn’t having any of it.
Jez asked: “Would you leave him if he put his foot down?”

Janey shocked the audience as she confessed she would give Dave the pork chop: “No, he’d be out the door, I need the house for the pigs.
“The girls mean everything to me, they’re beautiful. I haven’t got children, these are my girls, these are my children.
“I love them.”
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Dave was adamant that Janey would not choose her girls over him, but at the end of the segment he didn’t look too sure.
JK hurried the show along by telling them: “Are you putting up with this mate, I’ve got to rush off and have a bacon sandwich.”