
TOWIE star rushed to hospital with a mystery illness

Fans are concerned about Amber – but her cousin accused her of being a 'drama queen'

TOWIE star Amber Dowding gave fans concern when she was rushed to hospital with a mystery illness

Amber was on a night out before she ended up in hospital – and shared an Instagram pic of herself looking rather glamorous.

“Thanks to my glam team,” she wrote. “Can’t believe I turned up to hospital like this however I don’t look like this now.”

While she hasn’t divulged the reason for her hospital stay, Amber has thanked TOWIE stars Lydia Bright and Georgia Kousoulou for coming to visit her.

“Thank you for coming to see me my loves @LydiaRoseBright @MissGeorgiakx,” she wrote on Twitter. “Fancy coming back and bringing me Chinese [sic].”

Her co-star Frankie Essex also sent Amber her love. She posted an Instagram photo of Amber with the message “Get well soon my Doll. Hate that your [sic] in hospital still.”

Amber also paid tribute to her fans. “Thanks for your lovely messages… still in hospital but nothing too serious.”

She added that she was disappointed to be stuck inside when the weather was so nice.

Her cousin implied that Amber was exaggerating her illness. “Princess wouldn’t go hospital no other way,” she wrote. “I mean drama queeenn.”

Read more: Fans rally to support TOWIE star after cancer battle is revealed

A fan of Amber was quick to defend the TOWIE star. “Do u know what’s wrong with her then if she’s being a drama queen?”

The cousin wrote back: “She’s my cousin busy body!! So yes I do.”

The fan replied: “Lovely cousin u are to call her a drama queen for all to see.”

Amber recently caused a Twitter storm when she seemed to take a dig at her ex Chris Clark, who is now dating Little Mix singer Jesy Nelson.

Amber posted the lyrics to an Adele song on Twitter. “Send my love to your new loverrrr,” she wrote.

The lyrics are from the Adele track Send My Love, which also includes the lines “Treat her better/We’ve gotta let go of all of our ghosts.”

Read more: Little Mix star dating a TOWIE hunk? 

The TOWIE star denied that she was sending a cryptic message to the couple.

“Really laughing at my tweet a few days ago, the Adele song,” she wrote. “It’s funny how people relate it to something I didn’t even think about.”

Nancy Brown
Acting Editor

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