
Jeremy Kyle viewers in stitches over guest’s staggeringly stupid comments

She really didn't think her comment through

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Ah, half term week on Jeremy Kyle. Usually, fans gathered to watch the show are disappointed by repeat guests, too many ‘feel-good’ stories and segments dragging on far too long.

But Jeremy struck gold today when he invited back some guests that he’d had on several months ago – before chucking them off in frustration at their idiocy.

This time, he and they were determined to get the results of their lie detector tests and move on with their lives.

And it started with a bang as Andy, 19, rushed onto the stage and immediately confronted Jezza, who had to be flanked by his burly security contingent.

And Jeremy readily admitted his dislike for guest Andy, who he said was a liar and an all-round bad egg.

Once Andy’s partner Cheyenne was brought onto the stage, it all began to go a bit haywire.

Both Andy and Cheyenne denied repeatedly cheating on each other, despite the lie detector test results saying conclusively otherwise.

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Jeremy was at risk of losing control, saying: “This is the most infantile waste of time in the history of relationships.”

And when both Andy and Cheyenne walked off to the backstage area, that’s exactly what happened.

When Jeremy quizzed Cheyenne about the results of her lie detector test, she denied having had sexual contact with anyone while in a relationship with Andy.

Jeremy countered: “But you admit you had sexual intercourse.” Cheyenne’s legendary response was: “Yeah, but no sexual contact!”

Cue pandemonium in the studio and on Twitter, as viewers couldn’t believe what they’d just seen.

One said: “This is one of the funniest I’ve seen in a while” while another wrote: “No words… just tears.. of laughter.”

Looks like JK’s still got the ammunition to create memorable moments on his show, even after all these years.

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And once half term’s over next week, who knows what other madness will kick off at 9:25 each morning!

Nancy Brown
Acting Editor