
Watch a sniffing and pouting Alec Baldwin nail his Donald Trump impression!

Actor gets rave reviews as he mocks presidential debate on SNL

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He had the pout, the orange skin and the cotton candy hair. And now Alec Baldwin has won rave reviews for his impression of Donald Trump on Saturday Night Live.

The 58-year-old actor was hilarious as he went head-to-head with SNL cast member Kate McKinnon (who played Hillary Clinton) as they mocked last week’s presidential debate.

“I’m going to be so good tonight,” Baldwin’s Trump told the live audience.

“I’m going to be so calm and presidential that all of you watching are going to cream your jeans.”

Baldwin – who is a staunch Democrat in real life – mocked the 70-year-old’s complaints about his microphone not working, managing to loop in the controversy about where President Barack Obama was born. Baldwin’s Trump also mispronounced “China” as “Jina.”

He said: “My microphone is broken. She broke it with Obama. She and Obama stole my microphone.

“They took it to Kenya. They took my microphone to Kenya and they broke it and now it’s broken.

“Can you hear that? It’s picking up on somebody sniffing here. I think it’s her sniffs. She’s been sniffing all night.

“Testing, testing, Jina, Jina. Yuge Jina!”

Baldwin also mad fun of Trump’s claims that he has a great temperament saying: “She’s the one with the bad temperament. She’s always screaming. She’s constantly lying.

“Her hair is crazy. Her face is completely orange, except around the eyes where it’s white.

“And when she starts talking her mouth looks like a tiny, little butthole.”

But Clinton didn’t get off easily in the SNL debate. McKinnon, 32, referenced the Democrat’s health scare by hobbling onto the set with a cane, while coughing before throwing it aside like Gene Wilder’s Willy Wonka and doing a forward roll on the floor.

Springing up, the actress said: “I’m better than ever. Let’s do this.”

At the end of the sketch she said: “Listen America I get it. You hate me. You hate my voice and you hate my face.”

She later added: “But if you don’t elect me I will continue to run for president until they day I die and I will never die.”

Overall the performance got great reviews with the New York Times and The Hollywood Reporter among many praising Baldwin’s Trump.

Have a look at the full sketch here and see what you think:

Donald Trump vs. Hillary Clinton Debate Cold Open - SNL

Nancy Brown
Acting Editor

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