Princess of Wales in her cancer video and her brother inset

Princess of Wales hailed by brother James amid ‘very challenging’ time for Middleton family

Kate helped James 'move forward' as he struggled with his mental health

James Middleton, the younger brother of the Princess of Wales, appeared on Lorraine this morning (September 26), telling the host how his family helped him as he struggled with his mental health.

Kate, who recently revealed she had finished her cancer treatment, appears to have been a huge support to her younger brother, even attending therapy sessions with him.

Telling Lorraine Kelly about his new book, Meet Ella – The Dog Who Saved My Life, James spoke about his darkest times. He also revealed how his depression resulted in “very challenging” times for his family.

Princess of Wales sitting on a bench in the garden
The Princess of Wales revealed she recently finished her cancer treatment (Credit: Splash News)

Middletons found James’ depression ‘very challenging’

“One of the main reasons for speaking out was because I didn’t feel like I would be accepted for having depression,” James said. “I didn’t understand that myself.”

Speaking about his family, he then said: “I recognise I’ve had a very privileged upbringing and huge support and love from my family. On the outside, one would say: ‘Well what do you have to be depressed about?’

“But depression is more than just a feeling, it’s an absence of feelings and it’s classless, it’s raceless, it’s genderless. Depression can affect anyone and it’s still the largest killer for men under the age of 50. So for me, I wanted to share my story and hope that it might resonate with others.”

James then revealed that, at the start, it was difficult for him to speak to his family about how he was feeling.

“At the start my family were the hardest people to speak to because they know me better than I know myself. So to open up to my family was a very challenging step,” he said.

James Middleton speaking on Lorraine
James Middleton appeared on Lorraine today speaking about his mental health (Credit: ITV)

‘The work Catherine has done helped me move forward’

James then spoke about how Kate and sister Pippa attended therapy with him. He told Lorraine: “I initially went into therapy and, at the right time, my family got involved and I’m very fortunate that they did because they did have to be patient and sit on the sidelines and watch and see me suffer.

“It was very challenging for them because all they wanted to do was help. But when the timing was right, they came and they understood and were able to understand a lot more than I actually thought.”

He also praised the Princess of Wales’ high-profile work in the field of mental health for helping him to “move forward”.

“I recognise that the work both Catherine and William have done with mental health helped me move forward,” he said.

Lorraine’s message to the Princess of Wales: ‘We are thinking of her’

Wrapping up the interview, Lorraine passed her best wishes on to the Princess of Wales via her little brother.

“Please give Catherine, your sister, all of our love,” she said. “We are thinking of her, are very very fond of her and we just hope she’s doing fine.”

Smiling, James replied: “Thank you.”

Read more: King Charles ‘shocked and saddened’ in statement about tragic deaths

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Nancy Brown
Associate Editor