EastEnders spoilers comp image: Nish, Elaine, Cindy (Credit: BBC/comp ED!)

11 EastEnders spoilers for next week including Nish’s death news, Elaine reveals all and an ultimatum for Cindy

Suki struggles to believe her ex-husband

EastEnders spoilers for next week reveal Nish Panesar returns and claims to be dying. Is he telling the truth? And will the family believe him?

Also, as George and Cindy pile more heartbreak on Elaine, she reveals all to Ian, and Anna is terrified when she is mugged.

Here are 11 huge EastEnders spoilers for next week.

Nish Panesar looks serious
Why is Nish back? (Credit: BBC)

1. Nish returns

Suki and Eve are shaken when Nish unexpectedly arrives on the doorstep of No.41. He says the solicitor has sent both copies of their divorce paperwork to him.

The Panesars agree to change the locks so Nish can’t come and go as he pleases.

Nish looks annoyed in EastEnders
He’s a desperate man (Credit: BBC)

2. Nish drops a bombshell

Managing to manipulate Avani to get inside the house, Nish is met with hostility from Ravi, Suki, Eve and Vinny. He soon shocks them into silence with his news: he is dying.

The family accuse Nish of lying and kick him out. He insists he’s telling the truth, but is he?

Ravi angrily grabs Nish by the collar in EastEnders as Nugget tries to pull them apart
Furious Ravi warns his dad (Credit: BBC)

3. Ravi hits Nish – and he’s rushed to hospital

As Nish sets about trying to convince the family he isn’t making it up, he targets Priya first. But Ravi sees them and orders Nish to stay away from her.

Nish then turns his attentions to Nugget, who he finds in McKlunky’s. Once again, Ravi spots them and angrily shoves Nish. Nish then collapses in pain and is rushed to hospital.

Desperate Nish pleads his case to the Panesars
Nish pleads with his family (Credit: BBC)

4. Nish drops another bombshell

As the Panesars vote on whether to let Nish back into their lives, Nish tries to plead his case. The family is shaken by the depths of his desperation, but Ravi stands firm with Suki. As Nugget and Avani take Nish’s side, Ravi is clearly torn. However then Nish reveals his next shock move.

As the decision stuns the Panesars, Ravi still struggles to remain firm. As Nish heads to the hospital, will Ravi be by his dad’s side?

More EastEnders spoilers

Peter and Cindy Beale argue
Peter won’t choose his mum! (Credit: BBC)

5. Peter gives Cindy an ultimatum

With Lauren public enemy No.1. Peter supports her. But Cindy is not happy and makes spiteful comments. With Cindy being more and more hostile, Peter flips. He tells his mum he will move out unless she is civil to the mother of his child.

Lauren is grateful to Peter for having her back, but is there more to their relationship than just good friends?

George and Cindy have a tense chat in EastEnders
Cindy just can’t stay away from George (Credit: BBC)

6. George is hopeful

Elaine arranges a girls’ night out with Anna and Gina. She wants to reassure them they always have a home with her, despite everything going on with their dad.

Elaine then rings George to ask him over. He is hopeful there’s a glimmer of a second chance in the air, but she actually just wants him to cover the bar.

Elaine looks annoyed in The Queen Vic
Enough is enough for Elaine (Credit: BBC)

7. Cindy and George devastate Elaine again

Gina and Anna try to convince Elaine to give George another chance. But they are annoyed when Cindy arrives at Peggy’s during their girls’ night.

Sensing the hostility, Cindy leaves for The Vic. There she finds George struggling to cope all on his own. She jumps behind the bar and their old routine kicks back into place. Elaine then returns to find them behind the bar together and is horrified.

Elaine tells horrified Ian about the kiss in EastEnders
Heartbreak again for Mr Beale (Credit: BBC)

8. Elaine tells Ian

Deciding to reveal all to Ian, Elaine summons him to The Vic. She tells him that Cindy and George kissed. But what will he do about it?

9. Freddie’s matchmaking goes wrong

Determined to get Kat and Alfie back together, Freddie sets them up with a voucher for a couples’ spa day. But his plan is foiled when Kat invites Big Mo instead!

What else happens in EastEnders spoilers next week?

Maya smiles in EastEnders
Is Maya the tonic Harvey needs? (Credit: BBC)

10. Harvey makes a new friend

Jean encourages Harvey to make some new friends given Mitch and Rocky’s departures have left him lonely. Harvey soon bumps into a woman called Maya and takes her in his cab. They hit it off when they both realise they are huge Tottenham Hotspur fans.

Maya returns to the Square the next day with a vintage football programme for Harvey. As they chat Spurs, Harvey introduces Maya to Jean, who politely leaves them to it. However, Kat is suspicious of this budding friendship.

11. Anna mugged

Junior wants to make amends between Cindy and her daughters. He gets them all to meet him at Peggy’s, but Anna and Gina can’t forgive Cindy for what she’s done.

The girls leave and go to McKlunky’s but whilst in the queue, Anna is terrified when a thief snatches her bag.

Read more: Who is leaving EastEnders this year?

EastEnders usually airs Monday to Thursday at 7.30pm on BBC One.

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Carena Crawford
Associate Editor (Soaps)