It is no secret that the soaps sometimes end up doing similar plots for their characters – see Coronation Street and Hollyoaks with Dev.
Coronation Street, EastEnders, Emmerdale and Hollyoaks are all inspired by the real world so it makes sense to have some overlap.
But sometimes it seems like they have copied each other – and in some cases themselves.

Coronation Street/Hollyoaks – Dev/Misbah choosing their kids
Coronation Street shocked fans last month as Dev Alahan was involved in a horror car crash with his children Asha and Aadi.
He was forced to choose which child to save – and chose Asha over a screaming for help Aadi.
It was a huge shock for viewers – unless of course they had seen Hollyoaks in 2018.
Read more: Coronation Street ‘saved’ by ‘amazing’ Roy Cropper and his coat
The big stunt that year was a dramatic car crash that saw Misbah forced to choose between saving one of her two children.
And wouldn’t you know it she choose to save Yasmine instead of Imran, just like Dev did.
And wouldn’t you be shocked to hear that Imran, like Aadi, also survived despite her decision.
Let’s hope Corrie doesn’t follow in Hollyoaks’ footsteps too literally – or it’ll be a bad year to be Dev.

Coronation Street/EastEnders – David/Ben’s revenge
The boundaries of sex and sexuality matter nothing to plot.
David Platt’s wife Kylie was brutally murdered by a thug, leaving him full of rage and ready to take his own revenge.
Meanwhile over in EastEnders Ben Mitchell’s ‘journey’ was totally different.
His boyfriend Paul Coker was brutally murdered by thugs, leaving Ben full of rage and ready to take his own revenge.
Fans couldn’t help but notice the similarities in the two storylines at the time – though thankfully that’s where they diverged.

Coronation Street/EastEnders – Who attacked Ian/Who attacked Adam
Whodunnits never end well for soaps – there’s always another one happening to take the attention away.
And that’s certainly what happened here.
While Ian Beale was being bashed over the head and left for dead in the Queen Vic, Adam Barlow was coming a cropper in the Bistro.
A huge whodunnit followed for both soaps – with fans getting everything mixed up.
Was it Sarah, was it Peter, was it Colonel Mustard with the candlestick in the library?

Emmerdale/Corrie – Sean homeless/Bob homeless
Some storylines are so explosive and dramatic that you can understand them appearing in multiple soaps.
Others are less so.
Case in point – Sean Tully being homeless in Corrie (to universal indifference, we should add) and then shortly after Bob Hope being homeless in Emmerdale.
Both men are barman and both found themselves without a home.
Both were saved by kindly neighbours after a fractious few weeks without a fixed abode.
And frankly nothing has changed since.

Emmerdale/Emmerdale/Emmerdale – long-lost kids
Is it copying if you’re copying yourself?
Once upon a time Charity and Cain Dingle were shocked when their long-lost daughter Debbie appeared in the village.
So shocked they were that it apparently knocked the knowledge of all their other long-lost children from their minds.
For just two decades later and Debbie has found herself joined by two more secret siblings.
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First came Ryan, her mother’s firstborn who she thought had died in hospital.
Then came her dad’s secret lovechild Nate, who only her grandmother Faith knew existed.
I suppose it’s now just a countdown until Debbie’s own secret child emerges to complete the family.
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