Coronation Street spoilers, Bethany, Liam and Roy

7 Coronation Street spoilers for next week including Liam in danger, Bethany comes face to face with her past, and Roy gets bad news

Roy's devasted to hear what Dee-Dee's got to say

Coronation Street spoilers for next week include Liam taking a life-threatening risk that leads him to collapse! Also, Bethany’s past comes back to haunt her, and Dee-Dee’s got some bad news for Roy.

Here are seven huge Coronation Street spoilers for next week.

Coronation Street: Denny looks shifty as Bernie yells at home over Paul's wheelchair
Bernie clocks Denny looking suspicious (Credit: ITV)

1. Bernie’s on Denny’s case

Outside the flat, Bernie’s very unimpressed when she spots Denny up to his old tricks.

He’s pushing Paul’s wheelchair and Bernie’s convinced he’s up to no good.

Denny makes out he’s taking the wheelchair for a service, but with his track record, Bernie’s not sure he’s being entirely truthful.

Coronation Street: Denny looks shifty as Bernie yells at home over Paul's wheelchair
What’s Denny doing? (Credit: ITV)

Frankly Bernie doesn’t believe anything Denny’s telling her and threatens to call the police. Will she follow through on her threat?

Coronation Street: Denny looks shifty as Bernie yells at home over Paul's wheelchair
Bernie’s fuming (Credit: ITV)

2. Liam’s in danger in Coronation Street spoilers

Liam and Joseph are hanging out together, watching a film when Joseph asks his mate if things have improved at school. Even thinking about it triggers a panic attack for poor Liam, as he struggles for breath and reaches for his inhaler.

Coronation Street: Liam lies unconscious on the floor
Liam takes Paul’s pills (Credit: ITV)

Joseph urges his mate to tell Maria about his panic attacks, but Liam doesn’t want to worry her.

Later, Joseph keeps watch while Liam hunts for sweets in the cupboard and comes across Paul’s secret stash of Benzo pills. He puts them in his pocket.

When Liam gets home and discovers Gary’s not back, he feels a panic attack coming on. Hoping for something to help, he takes out Paul’s pills…

Meanwhile, Billy finds the pills are missing and panics when Joseph admits Liam was looking for sweets.

And in the flat, Liam lies unconscious…

Coronation Street: Liam lies unconscious on the floor
Liam’s in trouble (Credit: ITV)

3. Bad news for Roy

Roy Cropper is dishevelled as Dee-Dee visits in Coronation Street
Dee-Dee’s got bad news for Roy (Credit: ITV)

Poor Roy Cropper is gutted when Dee-Dee explains the police haven’t had any luck tracing Lauren’s necklace.

In fact, they’ve not managed to track down her mystery boyfriend either – so they’re back to square one.

Is there any hope for Roy? Or Lauren?

Dee-Dee in Corrie looks worried as she visits Roy
It’s not good new (Credit: ITV)

4. Adam’s got something for Alya!

Yasmeen watches as Adam chats to Alya and wonders if she’s going to miss him when she goes to Dublin.

Later Adam gives Alya a present and wishes her well in Dublin.

Alya smiles suspiciously as Adam gives her a bag in Corrie
Will Alya leave Adam behind? (Credit: ITV)

Inside the present, Alya finds an expensive law book and she’s touched that Adam’s taken the time to say goodbye and wish her luck.

Will she be able to bring herself to leave Weatherfield?

Adam smiles at Alya in Coronation Street
Will Alya go to Dublin? (Credit: ITV)

5. Bethany gets a shock in Coronation Street spoilers

The police are finally looking for Lauren, and they’re filming a reconstruction of her last known movements.

Coronation Street: A reconstruction into Lauren's disappearance is staged
The police are filming a reconstruction of Lauren’s last movements (Credit: ITV)

Bobby, Max, Bethany and Beth all gather in the precinct to watch the filming but as they look on, Bethany’s horrified to spot her abuser Nathan Curtis in the crowd of people who have gathered.

Beth, Max, Bobby and Bethany watch in horror at the reconstruction in Corrie
Bethany spots a familiar face (Credit: ITV)

She can’t control her emotions and she rushes off home.

That’s where Daniel finds her, clearly distressed and frightened later. She tells him she thinks she saw Nathan, but he reassures her.

He tells her Nathan is in prison and it was her mind playing tricks.

But could Bethany be right?

Nathan is in the crowd looking shifty in Coronation Street
Is Nathan back in Weatherfield? (Credit: ITV)

6. Maria’s suspicious!

When Maria comes home and finds husband Gary looking shifty and his ex-girlfriend Sarah in the flat, Maria isn’t impressed!

Maria in Coronation Street bursts in on Gary and Sarah and looks suspicious
Maria comes across Gary and Sarah looking shifty (Credit: ITV)

So she pretends to be tidying up and as she does, she sneakily puts a camera on the side, wanting to know what Gary’s up to when she’s not there.

Coronation Street: Maria plants a camera behind a bouquet of flowers
Maria hides a camera, wanting to know what Gary’s up to (Credit: ITV)

As Gary shows Sarah out of the flat, they share a hug and agree to keep their distance.

Gary and Sarah in Corrie have a serious talk
Gary shows Sarah to the door (Credit: ITV)

Meanwhile, Maria watches on from her phone, her expression darkening.


Gary and Sarah hug in Corrie
Gary and Sarah hug, unaware that Maria is watching (Credit: ITV)

7. Bethany was right – much to her horror!

With Daniel convinced that Bethany’s mind is playing tricks on her, his frantic girlfriend is trying to find out whether it really was Nathan she saw at the reconstruction.

Daniel and Bethany discuss what to do in Coronation Street on a building site
Bethany’s on a mission to find Nathan (Credit: ITV)

She tracks down the video of the filming and zooms in on Nathan’s face – horrified to realise she was right and the man who abused her is back in Weatherfield.

And she’s even more disgusted when she marches off to the police station, where DS Swain confirms that Nathan was released months ago.

Bethany comes face to face with her abuser (Credit: ITV)

Bethany’s not one to run away from a fight, though, so it’s not long until she and Daniel have tracked Nathan down, discovering he’s working on a building site nearby.

They head round there and when Nathan spots them, he’s stopped in his tracks. Furious Bethany lets rip and accuses him of murdering Lauren – is Nathan the real killer?

Is Nathan behind Lauren’s disappearance? (Credit: ITV)

Read more: Who’s leaving Coronation Street in 2024?

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Coronation Street usually airs on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 8pm on ITV.

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Kerry Barrett
Freelance Soap Writer