
All the awful things that have happened in the Platt house that should put Carla off buying it for good

If walls could talk...

It’s official, the legendary Coronation Street Platt house is for sale and Carla is considering making an offer after viewing the property.

With Carla being a potential buyer, David tried to warn her off the family three-bed by claiming the plumbing would often play up.

While she didn’t buy that, there are certainly several other issues that might put her off. From sinkholes to a corpse buried underneath the house, No.8 has seen a lot.

Gail's house is for sale in Coronation Street
Gail’s house is for sale (Credit: ITV)

1. Coronation Street Platt house: David pushes Gail down the stairs

To kick off the nightmare on Coronation Street, not long after Gail was in an attempted murder by Richard Hillman after he attempted to gas her and the kids, she was almost killed… again.

In March 2008, David pushed Gail down the stairs in No.8. He was frustrated as he found out Gail persuaded his girlfriend Tina McIntyre to have his unborn baby aborted.

Gail thankfully survived, but the incident was an indicator of a string of strange things happening in the house. After pleading guilty to several charges of criminal damage and assault during a rampage on the street, David was sent to a youth offenders.

Kylie Platt looks worried as she answers the door in Coronation Street
Kylie killed Callum in the house (Credit: ITV)

2. Coronation Street Platt house: A body is buried under the house

In September 2015, Max’s biological dad caused another traumatic event in the house.

Callum Logan, the ex-boyfriend of Kylie Platt and boyfriend of Sarah Platt, caused the family several issues. He was a drug dealer who terrorised the Platts.

Kylie killed him with a blow over the head. She walked in on him attacking Sarah after he caught her recording a confession from him. After this, several of his gang member friends gave David hell.

Not knowing what to do, Kylie and David stashed his body in a manhole, which was later concreted over due to renovation work. He lived downstairs with no one realising, until he was uncovered.

8 months after his murder in May 2016, Tyrone Dobbs crashed his car into No.8 when he swerved Carla’s vehicle. This caused the floor to be destroyed in Gail’s annex.

Callum’s corpse was uncovered and police discovered it the next morning. They were all arrested by Police, but escaped sentencing after they pinned it on the late Tony Stewart.

Could Carla be put off yet?

Coronation Street sinkhole
The Platts had a sinkhole in their garden (Credit: ITV)

3. The sinkhole

Not only has No.8 been home to several horrible Weatherfield residents, think killer Stephen as well as Gail’s various husbands, the property was subject to a natural disaster.

A couple of years ago, a huge sinkhole opened up in the garden of No.8. The crater was created by dodgy Ray Crosby in an attempt to get the Platts to sell up so he could build a hotel cheaply.

Several attempts were made to fill the hole – but to no avail. Eventually, a big storm reopened the hole before tragedy struck.

Johnny Connor and Jenny Bradley were swept underground during the horrific event. Eventually after emotional scenes, Johnny was swept away under the sinkhole and met his death in the sewers.

The sinkhole remains a constant background issue for the family, with it being brought up occasionally.

Could this be enough for Carla to turn her back from the house? We’ll have to wait and see…

Read more: Complete Coronation Street cast list 2024 – meet them all here!

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Coronation Street usually airs on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 8pm on ITV.

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Claudia Trotman
Freelance Soaps Writer