Christmas in Coronation Street doesn’t always have the non-stop drama of the other soaps.
Occasionally, we just get a quiet festive season in Weatherfield with a happy winter wedding, perhaps, or a baby being born.
But not this year.
This year there are a few big stories in Corrie that are hurtling towards a Crimbo climax. And we are here for it!
Here’s our round up of the biggest dramas that could be shaking our baubles this year.

Stephen kills again?
It’s been a while since Stephen Reid killed Leo, somehow disposed of his body, burned his belongings, and convinced Leo’s fiancée Jenny Connor, and Leo’s dad Teddy, that he’d just taken himself off to Canada. And since then, things have been pretty quiet for the latest cobbles killer.
But we know how it works with these ‘accidental’ murderers and we’re sure that like Pat Phelan, Richard Hillman and John Stape before him, Stephen is bound to kill again.
With his ex-wife Gabrielle still sniffing round and Stephen’s money troubles still not solved, we’re thinking it’s only a matter of time before Stephen strikes again. And let’s face it, things always get a bit angsty round Christmas time!
But who will his next victim be?

Shona dead?
When it comes to potential victims for Stephen, we’re wondering if Shona Platt could be in the running.
We know that actress Julia Goulding is pregnant and so will be saying goodbye to Coronation Street for a while in the near future. But could her farewell be forever?
Since her brain injury, Shona’s not one to mince her words. Could she say the wrong thing to the wrong person – Stephen perhaps – and end up dead?
It could be a very sad Christmas chez Platt this year.

Max in danger? Or Spider exposed?
And it’s not only Stephen and Shona who could be causing festive headaches for the Platt family as Christmas approaches.
We’ve seen how Max Turner has got in with the wrong crowd and is being radicalised by the same group of racists that Spider Nugent has infiltrated in his role as an undercover cop.
And quite frankly it all sounds like a recipe for disaster.
Will Max keep taking more risks in his efforts to impress Griff? Will Spider’s web of secrets be revealed? And who will be caught in the crossfire?

Summer’s baby drama
For someone who was supposed to be at a top university by now, Summer Spellman’s making some pretty bad decisions.
So far she has agreed to continue with her risky pregnancy, keeping it secret from her three overly involved dads, then sell her baby (illegally) to weird Esther and Mike and give the money to Aaron’s violent, unpredictable alcoholic dad for his stint in rehab. Oh and she’s also agreed to put Mike on the birth certificate as the baby’s dad.
What could possibly go wrong with this plan? It all sounds absolutely fine and in no way a disaster waiting to happen. No way at all.
Sneak filming pics have shown Summer (AKA actress Harriet Bibby) having a tense conversation with Mike (played by Tom Lorcan).
Could the teen mum-to-be have finally come to her senses? And what will desperate, and let’s face it, more than a little creepy, Esther and Mike do if she does?

Harvey’s revenge?
Do we love Sam Blakeman in Coronation Street? Yes we do. Do we love Harvey Gaskell. Also yes. Do we think it was a good idea for Harvey to come back into Sam’s life? Definitely not.
As Christmas draws closer, Nick Tilsley is struggling with Sam’s determination to understand what made Harvey kill his mum, Natasha.
And for once, we think Nick might have a point. We don’t think anything good can come from letting Harvey back into Sam’s life. Will Nick, Leanne and Sam live to regret it?
Read more: Complete Coronation Street cast list 2022 – meet them all here!
Coronation Street usually airs on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 8pm on ITV.
What are you hoping to see this Christmas on the cobbles? Leave us a comment on our Facebook page @EntertainmentDailyFix and let us know what you think.