Kit, Joel, Betsy serious in Coronation street

Coronation Street: 9 suspects in Joel whodunnit as soap spoilers confirm his death

Corrie confirmed Joel's death

Coronation Street has officially confirmed Joel Deering’s death, which is leading to a huge murder case. Question is though, whodunnit?

Next week, his body will be discovered by some lads walking by the canal. Joel was last seen shortly after terrorising Roy Cropper in the café. He was sitting in his car with a wound on his face.

He left a suicide note in his car, but police realised he had brought a second vehicle, which cast doubt in his supposed death.

But PC Tinker announced it was Joel’s body and police worked to try and crack down on the suspects… several of them. Here are 9 top suspects in the murder case.

Kit looks serious in Coronation Street
DC Kit is said to be a suspect in Joel’s death (Credit: ITV)

1. Coronation Street: Joel killed by Kit Green?

The relatively new detective on the scene, Kit, is one person forced to the front of the suspect queue.

Kit has previously shown he’s got slightly bendable morals and often uses his police privileges to his advantage.

Adding to this, he seemed very keen to take over Lisa’s lead on the case when she was kicked off due to Betsy’s involvement.

We don’t know much about Kit – or what he’s capable of – but the fact he could ruin Craig’s career due to tension with Beth shows he’d go to any length to get what he wants.

Plus he seems keen to get rid of villains, even planting DNA in Nathan Curtis’ van. Perhaps he was disgusted with Joel’s grooming background and finished him off…

DS Swain and Kit look suspicious on Corrie
The DS had a motive through her daughter’s involvement (Credit: ITV)

2. DS Lisa Swain

The other half of the detective duo, Lisa Swain, is another suspect popular with fans.

This past week, Lisa has appeared uncomfortable when discussing Joel’s suicide. Adding to this, she maintained to Dee-Dee Joel is dead despite the lawyer stressing he could still be out there. Could this be a sign she knows something else?

Different from Kit, Lisa has a motive. Joel previously involved Betsy into the fold, even making her order the drugs intended to harm baby in Frankie while Lauren was pregnant.

Perhaps she decided to pay Joel a visit in private before things got heated. When she brought Joel in for questioning at the station, he was more than willing to throw a few jabs and comments in her direction.

We know that a post mortem of Joel’s body show he was killed before planted in the river. The results claim it was a blow with a dull object.

A crowbar is in talks. Could Lisa have taken a weapon in self defence?

However, she appeared shocked to find Joel’s text threats on Betsy’s life. Had she known this earlier, perhaps it would have created a stronger motive.

Nevertheless, she and Dee-Dee had been working around the clock to bring him down, even promising to Lauren she would do it for her.

Betsy looks serious in Coronation Street
Betsy also suffered at Joel’s hands

Coronation Street: Joel killed by Betsy Swain?

Lisa’s daughter was not immune to Joel’s harm, having received a death threat as well as torment through her association with him.

Betsy struggles to open up to her mum as they share a strained relationship. Maybe she thought there was no other option…

She puts on a strong front, but is a vulnerable young woman underneath. Exactly Joel’s favourite type of victim.

Plus we know Betsy is known to do some irrational things.

Ronnie, Ed and Debbie talk in Coronation Street
Ed and Ronnie wanted to protect Dee-Dee (Credit: ITV)

Ed and Ronnie Bailey

Protective father and uncle Ed and Ronnie previously stepped in when they noticed Joel pestering Dee-Dee on the Street.

Following this, they conspired to potentially harm Joel to make sure he got the message to leave her alone.

Plus, a crowbar seems a likely tool the brothers would have, with their manual labour jobs.

They are questioned by Kit in upcoming episodes. Ed’s alibi doesn’t appear to be disputed, while brother Ronnie comes under pressure…

Dee-Dee updates Ronnie that Joel was thought to have been killed with a crowbar. Will viewers see a guilty look?

In a potentially telling investigation, Ronnie was home alone when Joel went missing. Police also find Joel’s address in his satnav…

He tells police it’s there because he helped Joel move out ages ago.

However, Michael tells Debbie, who’s hosting a party for Ronnie, that it was actually his car that he and Ronnie used.

Could Ronnie be behind this? Perhaps involved with Ed? Or are they hiding something?

Lauren crying on Corrie
Joel tried to kill baby Frankie while Lauren was pregnant (Credit: ITV)

Coronation Street: Joel killed by Lauren Bolton?

As the long term victim of Joel’s abuse, Lauren is questioned first about her whereabouts on the night Joel died.

She happened to be sleeping at the Platts’ house that night. Could this be the alibi she needed?

However, we saw her tossing and turning on the sofa while David spoke on the phone. Perhaps she got up after he went to bed…

Lauren has a motive, too, as she suffered the abuse of Joel, who also tried to kill baby Frankie through feeding her drugs while she was pregnant.

She had a tracker of Joel’s phone. Maybe she saw him alone and took the opportunity…

In upcoming spoilers, Nick asks Lauren how she found sleeping on the sofa. She is sat with Bobby and she quickly became uncomfortable at the question. Perhaps this is another clue.

Dee-Dee angry at Joel in Coronation Street
Dee-Dee was disgusted when she learned of Joel’s abuse (Credit: ITV)

Dee-Dee Bailey

Disgraced fiancée and hurt lawyer, Dee-Dee has just as much reason to want Joel gone as the rest of them.

It was only her who was adamant Joel could still be out there. With the police’s lack of action, maybe she took actions into her own hands…

She was the one to plant the tracker on Joel’s phone, which she gave to Lauren for her peace of mind.

Could she have used this information to track him down.

Dee-Dee is often on the right side of morality, placing her on the unlikely list. But with Corrie, anything can happen!

Ella looks scared as Bethany shows her a photo in Coronation Street
Another of Joel’s victims, Ellie, could be behind the murder (Credit: ITV)

Coronation Street: Joel killed by Ellie Benton?

A quieter figure in the investigation is Ellie, who finally came forward to testify against Joel after years of abuse by his hands.

She was at first reluctant, but changed her mind once she heard of baby Frankie’s hurt. Could this be the straw that broke the camels back?

Maybe one more victim was too much and triggered Ellie to lash out.

Plus, Joel missed his plea hearing. Perhaps she thought he might escape yet again unless she stepped in.

Mason disposes of evidence in Corrie
Things don’t look good for Mason (Credit: ITV)

Mason Radcliffe

In spoilers we learn that Lisa is shocked to hear Mason has a crowbar. It’s thought the tool was used as a weapon in Joel’s murder, after all…

The loyal Betsy warns Mason that the police know of this, and he decides to dispose of the weapon.

However, it doesn’t go to plan as Kit catches him in the process of chucking it in the bin.

We don’t know whether the crowbar was used on Joel, but things look fishy.

Mason had discussed using the weapon for a robbery he was being bullied into committing with his brother, Logan.

Could it be an innocent disposal, or something more?

Coronation Street: Joel is alive?

Of course, with Joel’s dad being seen with his son just before his death and then being asked to identify his body, could it be that he lied to the police?

Perhaps their meeting before his death was to arrange an escape plan, which would let him off scott-free.

Maybe he’s still out there, with his father covering for him.

Read more: Complete Coronation Street cast list 2024 – meet them all here!

8 dramatic Coronation Street spoilers for this autumn

Coronation Street usually airs on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 8pm on ITV.

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