
Coronation Street: Alina Pop will fall pregnant with Tyrone’s baby, fans predict

Tyrone admits he loves Alina

C0ronation Street fans have predicted Alina Pop will fall pregnant with Tyrone Dobb’s baby.

Recently Alina and Tyrone shared a kiss and he told his fiancé Fiz what happened.

Although Tyrone and Fiz tried to make things work, he admitted to her that he was in love with Alina.

He recently left Fiz and decided to move out of No.9.

Tyrone and Fiz split up (Credit: ITV)

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In last night’s episode of the ITV soap (Wednesday, April 14) Tyrone told Alina that he was moving back in with Fiz in order to give their daughters some stability. However he told Alina that he loved her.

Soon Tyrone and Alina ended up sleeping together and fans are predicting she will fall pregnant with his child.

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In next week’s scenes, Emma thinks Alina is seeing Lucas after seeing a pair of men’s jeans on the floor in their flat.

Alina and Tyrone slept together (Credit: ITV)

Soon Maria figures out that it can’t be Lucas that Alina is seeing and realises it’s Tyrone she’s sneaking around with. She tells Tyrone to come clean to Fiz or she’ll do it for him.

Later Tyrone tells Alina about Maria’s threat and Alina is pleased. When Emma reveals that Alina is now seeing Lucas, Fiz’s hopes are lifted.

Meanwhile, Tyrone plans to tell Fiz that he’s seeing Alina and they’re for keeps.

Fiz finds out that Alina and Tyrone are together (Credit: ITV)

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Soon Fiz gets a message confirming a hotel booking in Knutsford and quizzes Kevin about Tyrone’s intention, thinking Tyrone may want to try again.

But soon Tyrone returns from a breakdown to find Alina, Lucas and Fiz mid-showdown on the street.

Soon Fiz realises that Tyrone has chose Alina.

Coronation Street airs on Mondays and Wednesdays 7.30pm and 8.30pm with an hour long episode at 7.30 on Fridays on ITV.

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Charlotte Rodrigues
Soap Contributor
Charlotte Rodrigues joined Entertainment Daily in April 2018, as Audience Engagement Executive. A huge soap fan, Charlotte then became Senior Soap Writer, delivering the latest storylines and spoilers to our followers.